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Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

Now I understand and don’t begrrudge celebrities “mean” celebrities their privacy. Being a “gauri” (white) and therefore a celebrity is getting old. Fast. (But, as I’ll note later, the friendly fascinations many people have here, though grating at times, is also one of the most charming aspects of travelling in India — like most things, two sides of the same coin). I had a high fever and massive cold/headache for three days in Gangotri. [read on]

“Kya ap ki pas BATHROOM ?”

Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

SO, Vasi and I decided to go from Rishikesh to the start of the Ganges in Gangotri, which is about 12 hours away. India is not made for women’s bladders. Along the way we’d periodically stop in small towns and the men would pee in these open -backed urinals, but no one had bathrooms. When pointed to one public restroom (think putrid holes in the ground that dont drain and havent been cleaned in years) i [read on]

are we just wimpy?

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007
So, on one of the aforementioned waterfall hikes, the temp. probably 110 degrees F, Vasi and I are hiking up this hill, carrying 4 liters of water, completely soaking our clothes with sweat.[Continue reading this entry]

Protected: One God and many manipulations

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

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Protected: Masochist?

Friday, June 8th, 2007

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Protected: child slavery -the rest of the story

Friday, June 8th, 2007

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the whole story awaits

Thursday, June 7th, 2007
Okay, Im too tired to write the whole story, which is written in my paper journal, and added to on last nights overnight train ride from Ghaziabad to Dehra Dun. I have much to say about child slavery, seen first ... [Continue reading this entry]

Starting to film

Saturday, July 1st, 2006
Here's excerpts from an early note when I started filming, which was already two years ago, wow. These entries are out of order, oops, once I start travelling again they will be in order. I've filmed only a day at Child ... [Continue reading this entry]

An article explaining India film project

Saturday, July 1st, 2006
    Bhaskara’s dusty bare feet, which poked out from oversized pants, shifted until he caught my attention. He didn’t ask me for my south Indian breakfast, but just stared hungrily. I handed him a 2-rupee coupon (about four cents). That ... [Continue reading this entry]

burning cold flames

Saturday, July 1st, 2006
This is an excerpt from an email on some general thoughts from the fall 2005: Part of what I love about Third World travel, I guiltily acknowledge is the culture that seems to come at least partially with poverty -- crowds, the smells, ... [Continue reading this entry]