BootsnAll Travel Network


P6090476 (Small).JPGHere’s a cow (duhh) the shot isnt that great, they are all over and very beautiful, gentle creatures. In the US we think they are stupid, but any animal that can wander around these streets and calmly deal with all the noise and traffic is to be admired. Their eyes are very gentle and I just make sure to avoid the tails. Though they often look healthy many eat out of garbage heaps.
P6060264 (Small).JPGThis is Maya, one of the woman who works for Hope for Woman, the Fair Trade greeting card company we visited in Dehra Dun. I didn’t write much of a blog on it though I meant too, but crazy, dangerous or ironically awful experiences have filled my pages. Checkout Hopeforwomen.comfor more info.
P6100511 (Small).JPGHere’s me in the mountains behind Rishikesh where Vasi and I went hiking. It was literally about 110 degrees that day but it felt so great to escape the crowds that the heat didn’t really bother us — sure walking was hard cause our cotton pants clung to our legs, but other than that, no problem.
P6040081.JPGHere’s Vasi and I and or original host family (the one i wrote about in the protected sections. We are at a Sikh place of worship (not a temple, mind you) but I forget the name. Still I got into to as evinced by the fact that I ate the prasad (blessed food) a sweet oily mixture of grains and sugar — dispenced by a bare hand, but stopped short of drinking the holy water. We had to cover our heads to enter.


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