Sunday, July 22nd, 2007We landed at 00.45. I had to stop at the window for a visa (€15, $20) and go through passport control. The passport guy did not look too happy… and looked from my passport picture to me several times. The photo is now 6 years old, and even though I haven’t changed dramatically, I have lost a bit of weight and wear my head and facial hair differently. And the picture looks a bit like a terrorist. He stamped me and let me through, and I got my luggage and Turkish lyra cash (YTL). I booked a room at the Sultan Hostel (€10 dm) upon some recommendations. Problem was, as it was now nearly two in the morning, taxi was probably the only way to get there. So, I found a couple that were carrying backpacks and asked if they wanted to share a cab. They needed to find where their hotel was, and in the midst, a shuttle service offered to take us. It was cheaper, so we took it. [read on]