Party Pics
Here are some pictures from our party a few weekends ago, courtesy of Omry. We had an even bigger turnout than last time – estimates of turnout vary between 300-500 people. Good times were had by all. The DJs did an excellent job; Primitive Soul were on from 12 – 330 followed by Dave from the Boom Boom Room who layed down some excellend Drum & Bass. Before I knew it, it was 730 am. Neil and I were still behind the bar trying to kick a half-full keg.
In was reported in the Cambodia Daily today that the rainy season officially started April 27th, which means that we will probably have to wait until the next dry season (next December) before we can have another one.
here I am, stringing up speaker wire before the party
the house before guests arrived
Vinh and I working the bar
Omry with his game face on
the crowd
check out the video screen we set up
Primitive Soul working the vinyl
James and Omry share a moment
Neil and Vinh
Tags: Cambodia
May 12th, 2005 at 2:06 pm
the beat goes on………….
May 12th, 2005 at 2:06 pm
the beat goes on………….
May 13th, 2005 at 10:53 pm
looks like there’s a babe in the bottom right of the photo named “crowd”. dude u should post pics of the chics out there… =D
May 23rd, 2005 at 9:53 am
Yo Sneil! Long time since I’ve checked out your trip here… and damn(!!) have you been having a trip of a fuckin lifetime! You’re makin it hard for me to wait to go back to India… but next winter I’ll be there… for how long I don’t know, but at least 2 months, hopefully about 6 though. But damn, keep livin it up kid!! I’ll try and keep on eye on this page a little more often (it takes a while to catch up if I miss too much). Anyway, drink a beer for me over there!! Be in touch soon…