BootsnAll Travel Network

Day Six, July 12th

After a good night’s sleep, we all woke up late and got showered up.  Guess I didn’t have to worry about the train noise.   Walked across the parking lot to the Country Host Restaurant for a late breakfast.  Slow service, but full of locals and character.

Our trip for the day was relatively short, just a short jaunt to the Grand Canyon.  Took lots of pictures, but unfortunately cannot download them from my camera as I left my memory card in the laptop.  Will work on that and try to get them added soon.  It was partially cloudy there and about 75 degrees.  We only went to one viewpoint, the Yaki Point.  It was amazing, even with partly cloudy skies.  It’s hard to imagine it’s 10 miles across.  The colors were amazing, and I could have sat there for hours looking at it.  But there was threat of storm, so we moved on to the Information Plaza.

After we had a light lunch and did some gift shopping, a doozy of a thunderstorm blew in and it rained about an inch in 20 minutes.  Lots of thunder and lightening, much to Louie’s delight, and Lynnae’s and my dismay.  We opted to head back to the hotel at that point.

Had dinner at Burger King and then the children were off to the pool again.  I managed to get two loads of laundry done at the cost of $6.00.  This should get us to Amarillo where we will have a few days to get all our clothes washed up.  Off to bed now and hopefully on the road relatively early tomorrow. 
Swimming in the Pool!

Total miles today: 181, unknown MPG.  Temperature: 75 degrees, but chilly at night.


One response to “Day Six, July 12th”

  1. Rebecca says:

    I am having so much fun following the trip! Tell the kids hi for me!

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