Going around the world by Leontine
I am going around the world with my family. I can’t wait! First I am going to Borneo. Then I am going to China. In China we are going to see the biggest Buddha in the world and it is good luck to rub his nose. We are definitely going to see an opera because there they give you massages and feed you while you watch. I am going to see my cousins in Chengdu which is where the giant pandas live. We are going to be panda keepers for a day and feed them bamboo and apple slices. I have three cousins who live there- John, Sarah and Lilly. The reason they are there is because of their daddy’s job. He works for Chevron. I can’t wait to see my cousins and aunt and uncle because I haven’t seen them in a long time – two years!!! From Chengdu we are getting on a train to the top of the world. Tibet has the highest mountain in the world and we are going to go pretty high up!
I feel kind of sad about leaving New York but I know it will be fun going around the world and seeing so many new things. My friends are really sad that I am leaving but I told them about skype.
Tags: Family, Kids, Leontine, Prep, RTW, Travel