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California, I Hardly Knew Ye

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006

Back in Georgia and playing a little catch-up, here.

Saturday night, I finished packing and hit the hay. To no avail, I was dead tired Sunday morning. I had planned to meet Jackie around 9am. Ended up being more like 10am, but I think we had time to be lazy. Jackie got to be navigator as I thrust the AAA directions on her. They are better in some ways than tripquest, but all of them have their own special brand of confusion. I think I’m better off when I take the time to re-write their directions in my idea of easy to understand.

At any rate, it was an [read on]

Burned Out

Sunday, August 6th, 2006

Saturday saw an early start. My intention was to be amongst the Redwoods for Sunrise. This was possible only because I am three hours outside of my time zone in my favor. Still, I didn’t go to bed early, so it wasn’t exactly a fun awakening when the alarm went off.

Was supposed to meet Aaron and June here at the hotel so far as I know, but I waited half an hour past our planned meet time and had neither call nor sight of them. With no idea how to get them since they were also on the move, I went ahead and went off on my own. Hours later as I emerged from the Redwoods, I got a voicemail. I’m not sure when it was, but it sounded like they had overslept. I’m guessing, but I’m sure I’ll find out later. Hated missing them, but hopefully will get the chance to catch up with them in the future. [read on]

California or Bust

Saturday, August 5th, 2006
As it's almost 11pm and I've plans to get up ridiculously early to meet Aaron and June, this installment will be necessarily short. For those not in the know, I'm out in San Jose for a business meeting on Monday that ... [Continue reading this entry]