L-l-l-loving LAOS!
Saturday, January 7th, 2006this is in vientiane at the buddha park- maybe go there tomorrow if feeling better….
to be sick, tired, toe-nail-less and still desperately in love with a country after only 24 hours is truly remarkable and YET! I LOVE LAOS! we arrived after 15 hours on a bus to vientenne, laos which the super cute captal city. it feels exactoy as one would imagine a fench colonial asian city- croisat and espresso shops everywhere with giant gold and red temples as backdrop. it feels much smaller than bangkok, saigon, or pnom penh although i really have not seen much of the city. we got into vientenne at around 10 am. we stopped at a couple of immigration checkpoints on the way- i had taken a sleeping pill at around 12am and was so tired and out of it and sick i feel like i could have dreamed about stopping at these places. in one particular office where we had to pay fnes for overtsyaing our thai visas i fell aslee right in front of the desk of the official dude who was doing our paperwork. luckily everything was okay no problem… [read on]