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for my cuz

Tuesday, May 9th, 2006

this entry is for my cousin joelle who is still routinely checking the noodlequest for updates… thanks jo.  still “adjusting” (will i ever stop?) to life back here in the USA.  i just don’t see how things could become less weird.  the more time goes by the less everything seems normal- or the more normal things get the weirder they seem… one of the two, anyway.  elyse’s shower in philly pics are up as are the pics from me dan’s trip to koh tao.  soon i will post more pics from elyse’s shower in nyc.  soon to come, pics from elyse’s shower in other major cities in the US.  next week, spokane.  stay tuned.  (link to the right of screen as always).

i just realized i have kept the pics from koh tao on my camera i think in an effort to make it seem like it just happened.  i guess it wasn’t so long ago.

dan sent me some beautiful hanging chimes for my birthday which i love.  he drew little pictures of us on two peices of the wood and it is super nice and makes a really lovely spring whistle in my room.

i started work at a yoga studio two weeks ago and it is going okay. free yoga classes in exchange for a little bit of money and two shifts a week.  tomorrow i am going to start volunteering at the open center which i am really pcyhed about.

 that’s all jo! (and others… maybe). 

back in the USA

Sunday, April 2nd, 2006

so i am in new york and have been since wednesday afternoon. it is definitely culture shock- in some ways. i mean none of it is truly shocking- it just all feels so different. from the people, to the wealth to the energy, everything about new york feels more different than it ever has. everything just feels os specific. i feel much less attaced to this space and am taking the things that have always offended me about new york much less personally. everythign feels very interesting- i am in travel mode and this is definitely probably the strangest place i have been on the noodle quest.

i really haven’t had any time to just chill in my house. between seeing friends, eating, walking, doing, looking, sitting, thinking, traveling (philly briday shower), etc. i have just been so busy. i am really looking forward to nothingness in my house. strangely i can’t stop the urge to kind of look at craigslist for a job but really i want to give myself at least a few weeks of downtime to see friends and settle in to this space.

mmm cheese and coffe are really good. damn new york has really good food. also all of my friends are pretty nice to. and my family is so amazingly loving and crazy. new york is really very thought provoking for me right now. i am very pleased with my energy right now. i am really moving through teh craziness in very peaceful way and feeling very happy about it.

thoughtfully yours,


p.s. bridal shower pics to be posted soon and also the pics from dan and i’s trip to koh tao.