she eats shellfish by the seashore
Wednesday, November 9th, 2005mmmmmmmmm shellfish. on this beach women walk by with portable grils with fresh squid sizzling and platters of fried lobsters piled high. 2 grilled squid kabobs cost 40 cents and 5 small lobsters cost 1$. It reminds me a lot of some of the beaches i went to in northern brazil with the constant food parade passing by.
the bus to sihanoukville was minorly horendous. jess and i both felt sick. jess had the diah and i had bird flu so traveling was not that fun.
it’s not that i really think i have bird flu but i do have a bit of an upper respitory infection (cough, etc.) and i have panick attacks every time i eat eggs. I am 99.999999999% sure that you can’t get bird flu from eating bird stuffs, only from touch bird juices (i.e. saliva, bird piss)… can anyone confirm or deny this allegation? I really need to know. I think I am going to e-mail my helpul nurse friend Scott Newman at travel medical services in New York. [read on]