so hot it’s cool
i forgot to mention that n koh tao i ate a pretty authentic burrito which was unexpected.
yesterday i had my last massage at pimmalai with blah, my massage goddess. how can a person’s touch feel so soothingly uh-human? this is my question.
after the massage, dan had a football game. so i got on the sky train and just kind of rode it for a while until i decided to get off at siam center- i think i went there to get food, i’m not exactly sure of my motivation. i checked out the utterly amazing gourmet market super store which blew my mind. i bought some pre-made korean beef and japanese dumplings for dan and i made myself the super salad of my dreams. wow i was in ecstacy creating that salad. then i bought an avocado to accompany it and needless to say my joy could not reach greater heights. i dare not mention the intracicies of the toasted pumpkin and black sesame seed dressing that blanketed my meal. oh no, i wouldn’t dare.
then i came home and watched a super old black and white movie on the one english channel on dan’s t.v. then dan came home and told me about his football game.
on the way home from chumpon, all of my skin started to peel off and i seriously looked like i had a skin disease. i was in mourning for about 12 hours thinking about how my mom was going to slaughter me first thing in the airport and how much i was not looking forward to that. i wept about my skin for a day and then decided to exfoliate and now my skin is doing much much better. that koh tao sun did a NUMBER on me. i really onyl laid out for a few hours on one day and hung out in the deep shade for the rest. powerful sun.
today i am just spending hanging around the house and repositioning my clothese and gifts betwee my backpack and my new giant shopping bag that i could literally curl up and fit into. unluckily, jess reminded me that i have yet another bag at ning’s house which she will bring to the airport… i really hope my bags are under the weight limit.
every one is asking for some proper closure to the blog but i don’t think this one is it….
tonight danny and i are going to see the pink panther. tomorrow i am going home. WEIRD!
Tags: Thailand, Travel, Travel, Travel
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