Return of Prong 2
Well lookey here, all of your teary emails worked and now Prong #2 is posting her first post from Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It won’t be a long one (I see my guesthouse closing from across the street) but it is setting a new precedent for many posts to come so dont worry.
I have been working in an NGO in a super small rural village in the Cambodian countryside for the past week and what a difficult week it’s been. What with not having my other prong around, not speaking but a few words of Khmer, and having no electricity, Ive been struggling to say the least. But Ive been doing some really cool work, writing grants for a really active grassroots organization. So I am going to stick it out at least for the next week and see if the Cambodian farmlife can work for me.
thats all for now.
Um, signing off?
with lots of love
Thyda (thats my Khmer name, for all those who havent heard)
Tags: Travel
Yeah–Jessie is alive and well ! Nice to hear from you after so many months—I’ll be happier when both prongs of the fork get reunited again !
Love Ya and Miss Ya–
Hi Jess,
loved your super long email and ultra short blog posting. Your email made me smile, cry, laugh and cough – maybe the cough wasn’t caused by your email.
I just know that your grant writing, time and efforts will bring in tons and tons of money for the NGO. Go Jessie Go!
What is plan B btw if the no electric, farm living, floor sleeping, no veggie thing doesn’t work out?
Hello Sweet Jessie,
I am so glad you have been found…and are well. You can put the girl on the farm but you can’t take the city out of the girl…if this does not work, there has to be other options….YOU ARE THE WOMAN!!!!!!!
Sending you hugs and kisses,
Mama Robin