BootsnAll Travel Network

What is the Lunatic Ltd?

The old British railroad that runs across east Africa (see The Ghost and the Darkness), from Mombasa into the Great Rift Valley is sometimes called "The Lunatic Express". I grew up in that part of Africa and rode the trains numerous times. My blog is called "The Lunatic Ltd" because unlike an express train that runs from departure to destination without stopping along the way, my travels are more like the old trains that stop at every town and every crossroads. Thus, The Lunatic Ltd.

A LOOOOONG Day, part 1

January 23rd, 2009

My day began about 730am when I dragged myself out of bed. Then I had to run out and buy a new pair of sneakers – I know, buying new shoes the day I fly out…not smart. But necessary.

 I walked out of my apartment at about 1147a to meet my ride at the front gate by noon. When I walked around the corner, I saw my ride – a Lincoln Towncar. Black. Leather seats and tinted windows.

 “This is the way to travel,” I thought.

 The ride up was great and I arrived at IAH in plenty of time. After a quick check in, I was through security. No problems at all. Kinda boring, actually.

 The international side of IAH is MUCH nicer than the domestic side. It’s like a building from the 21st centure vs one from the 1970s, shag carpet and all. Well, the domestic side isnt’ that bad…but close!

We finally boarded the plan about 330p and I quickly found my seat, or my row I should say. The plane was virtually empty, maybe a third of it’s capacity. Just about everyone had their own row to stretch out in. It pays to fly on a weekday, to a northern country in the middle of winter. Not too many other people traveling with you!

The trip was quick and uneventful. Dinner was served almost immediately after takeoff and then I watched a movie, several episodes of the Simpsons and finally dozed off for a few hours sleep.

 We landed right on time at 7am London time. After only a few hours sleep, and my body determined that it was 1am not 7am, I knew I’d been traveling. The only problem we had was some confusion by the sky bridge drivers as to which gate we were coming into. The cool thing was seeing a Quantas Airbus A380. If you thought the 747 was big, this thing dwarfs it. The A380 has 2 full decks, instead of the 747’s half deck on top. An amazing machine.

 And I knew I was in London when the gate and terminal were rather chilly.

 I breezed through customs, picked up my bag and wandered off to find the Heathrow Express train that would take me to Paddington Station were I’d catch a taxi to the Euston Train station and my train ride out of London, through the countryside of England and up to Aberdeen.

 I will relate that story in A LOOOOON G Day, part 2.

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Day 1

January 20th, 2009

It finally arrived. The day I’ve been waiting for since I got that first phone call about this job. Today is the day I take off on my first international trip…as a professional writer. Quite heady, really. It’s something I’ve strived for since probably the first time I read a National Geographic Magazine at my grandparent’s house at Kijabe.

And so far, it’s been a good day. I’m getting the last few things pulled together. Things like programming my TSA locks (don’t get me started on that!), making sure I have notebooks labeled, have enough pens, everything is packed and I haven’t forgotten anything TOO important. I’m copying new music to my iPod as I write, charging my Blackberry Storm so it’s ready to roll (got the Global Calling Plan set up yesterday). I cleaned my kitchen, emptying my ‘fridge of miscellaneous junk that needed to go or wouldn’t last until I get back.

Now I just have a few errands to run then I can sit back and relax while I wait for my ride to the airport. Then through all the security, checkins, etc, etc, etc. A (hopefully) short, but not too short, wait at the gate before boarding my 777 bound for London. Departure time 4p, arrival 7a local – 1a my bodies time.

By this time tomorrow, I should be chugging along on the train from London to Aberdeen. I’ll try to post another note when I get to my hotel in Aberdeen sometime after 7p local time tomorrow night. I’m sure I’ll have a few tales to tell you then!

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I hate packing!!

January 19th, 2009

As I said before, packing is the worst part of traveling. Especially when you make careful packing lists, buy new luggage and all the junk on your list…DOESN’T FIT IN THE NEW BAG! Mildly frustrating.

But like any experienced traveler, I rolled with it. Instead of giving up and sitting in a corner, knees to my chest, gently rocking and mumbling a song, I just grabbed my cavern of a bag and stuff my junk in it. It’s a massive rolling duffel that I’ve used for years. It’s beginning to show its age but I think it’ll last one more big trip.

And besides, this trip is to the ‘relatively’ civilized world of London, Scotland and Norway. I shouldn’t have any trouble getting around with a rolling duffel bag. I know it violates the travel law put down on (check it out…great site), but when your back is against the bulkhead, you gotta make a choice and roll with it.

Moving on…

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January 18th, 2009

What a chore! This is the worst part of any trip…getting everything together and making sure you haven’t forgotten anything. And then, making sure you don’t have too much. Here’s my packing list:


·         winter jacket shell

·         mittens

·         kilt

·         polypro sweatshirt

·         polypro vest

·         long underwear

·         4 short sleeved t-shirts

·         3 long sleeved t-shirts

·         4 long sleeved dress shirts

·         3 pairs dress pants

·         1 pair of jeans

·         3 pairs of underwear

·         3 pairs of boot socks

·         4 pairs of regular socks

·         steel toe boots

·         swim trunks

·         pack towel

·         pajamas

·         flashlight

·         packable duffle

·         M-I SWACO cap

·         toiletry kit

o   tooth brush

o   toothpaste

o   razor, with 1 extra set of blades

o   shampoo bar

o   wash cloth

o   deodorant

o   q-tips (in small sandwich bag)

o   meds (1 ½ x count)

o   lancets (in a small sandwich bag – 30)

o   1 extra bottle of test strips (in addition to bottle in kit)

o   brush



·         D300 w/ vertical grip

·         24mm lens

·         85mm lens

·         80-200mm lens

·         flash

·         2 spare batteries

·         1 spare memory card in case

·         cleaning kit

·         backup recorder

·         spare batteries in holders

·         computer in sleeve

·         snake charmer

o   camera battery charger

o   camera USB cable

o   recorder cables

o   computer charger

·         1 pair of underwear

·         1 t-shirt

·         1 dress shirt

·         2 pairs of socks



·         2 notebooks

·         3 pens, 1 highlighter, pencil, highlighter

·         WWI book

·         fingerless gloves

·         watch cap

·         iPod & headphones

·         back scratcher

·         snack bag (3-4 granola bars, 3-4 bags of craisens, glucose tabs (2 bottles)

·         diabetes kit

·         DS-50

·         sunglasses holder

There are a few things missing from this list that I’m packing, like my contact solution and spare contacts but this is a pretty comprehensive list.

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