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Day 1

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

It finally arrived. The day I’ve been waiting for since I got that first phone call about this job. Today is the day I take off on my first international trip…as a professional writer. Quite heady, really. It’s something I’ve strived for since probably the first time I read a National Geographic Magazine at my grandparent’s house at Kijabe.

And so far, it’s been a good day. I’m getting the last few things pulled together. Things like programming my TSA locks (don’t get me started on that!), making sure I have notebooks labeled, have enough pens, everything is packed and I haven’t forgotten anything TOO important. I’m copying new music to my iPod as I write, charging my Blackberry Storm so it’s ready to roll (got the Global Calling Plan set up yesterday). I cleaned my kitchen, emptying my ‘fridge of miscellaneous junk that needed to go or wouldn’t last until I get back.

Now I just have a few errands to run then I can sit back and relax while I wait for my ride to the airport. Then through all the security, checkins, etc, etc, etc. A (hopefully) short, but not too short, wait at the gate before boarding my 777 bound for London. Departure time 4p, arrival 7a local – 1a my bodies time.

By this time tomorrow, I should be chugging along on the train from London to Aberdeen. I’ll try to post another note when I get to my hotel in Aberdeen sometime after 7p local time tomorrow night. I’m sure I’ll have a few tales to tell you then!