August 12th, 2004 Airlift day again. The work has been so steady since our last flight that we decided to take advantage of today’s flight. Because business tends to drop off after the August 15th holiday (Ascension) the bulk of the load was non-perishables for next season. Since the field where we previously did our airlifts was recently closed to preserve wetlands, we are now doing the flights from a different field up the valley where a couple of other huts do their stage their loads from. Since we are now working more closely with the other huts I have been able to see how they are organized compared to us. I feel much better about our operation after seeing how other people run theirs (at least the re-supply aspect). I won’t go into detail about why I now feel this way but I can show you in this picture how nicely packed my helo-bag (the one on the left) is as compared to the one of our sister hut, Dalmazzi. Actually, they had to borrow ours because they didn’t have any. Helo-bags seem like kind of a strange thing to forget before an airlift.
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