Snow Snow Snow
I still haven’t been out to the runway. It will be a week tomorrow. The weather only got worse after my last entry. The day after, we hit condition 1 in town. Nearly everything shut down. The people who were stuck on the Black Island Traverse had to be rescued because their vehicle ran out of fuel. Some scientist also had to be rescued from near Cape Evans when their tent blew away in the storm. Flights remaind grounded and all the passengers who were scheduled to depart have been having a small holiday here in Mac Town. The group of Italian Geomagnetisist were among this group so we have spend the past few days keeping them entertained. We took them up to Skua Central the last night and we brought snacks and music and had a grand time browsing the flotsam of McMurdo life.
Last night was great weather and I went up to my snowboard hill to find that a big drift had formed making a beautiful natural jump. I took a bunch of runs and watched people sledding. I went back up again today with my friend Shane from Maine to complete the hattrick.
Well they are forcing us out of the Coffee Shop in order to abide by offical Navy recreation hours. Gotta wrap up.
I couldn’t find an email address on the blog, so I’ll just write to you here in this little box.
First of all, complimenti for all your travels and the way that you’ve managed to transmit your enthusiasm for life.
I stumbled upon your site while searching for bloggers in Antarctica.
I’m writing one specific objective in mind.
I run a relatively new free blogging site called motime (url below in the signature). We’ve got people from all over the world writing, kvetching, making friends and enemies and striking up global conversations. But I do not have any Antarctic bloggers. It’s the missing continent.
As a result, I am actively seeking to recruit same. Perhaps you know of someone, if not yourself, who has been thinking about opening up a blog, but just hasn’t gotten around to it yet. Do you?
If so, it would be great to get them to give motime a try — it’s dead simple, it’s free (I’ll even throw in the soon-to-be-subscription-only photo posting service for free) and there are some pretty interesting and entertaining people blogging there. I could then announce that we have a presence on all 7 continents and will feature Antarctica on our homepage, including your bigdeadplace (great name).
What do you say?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Howard Liptzin
P.S. Anch’io sono statunitense, ma abito a Como, non così lontana da Milano, la città di Luci. Chissà, magari vengo a trovarvi un domani al Rifugio Boccalatte!
P.P.S. The other Antarctican contact I found is a certain fscottrobert who publishes the site I’m writing to him too. I just mention this in case you know each other.