Here We Go
We got our bags dragged and our flight is on the schedule for tomorrow morning at nine. It loooks like we will be going on the Bassler DC-3. We are currently sitting at the cofeehouse discussing put-in over a glass of wine. It is looking good and we are optimistic that things will go as planned.
If we make, it I might not be able to post of a couple of days while we get our satellite system up. We we don’t make it in, you’ll hear from me tomorrow.
Glad you folks got there, gonna mjiss you here though in MacTown.
With love and friendship.
Eii passando pra conhecer seu blog, e me encantei, estou fuçando todo por aqui.(rs)
Deve ser muito diferente morar em um país tão longe de nossa terrinha , costumes tudo diferente ne, tenho muita curiosidade.
Ofereço a vc o award Blog perola da net do lua em poemas com muito carinho e convido a participar de meus destaques.
Ops.. vc que esta tão longe de nosso pais venha matar as saudades com o meu trem mineiro uai sô…
Bjs e um ótimo final de semana.