We are definitely not in Canada anymore!!
We arrived in Bangkok late last night around 10:30pm but it really felt like 2:30am to us because of Melbourne time. It was a good flight though. Went by really fast actually. We flew with Thai Airways.
When we arrived in Bangkok we had to find a taxi that would take us to our hotel. No one speaks english, and everyone wants to take your money! We were so confused. We finally got a taxi for 400 baht, this seems like a lot but its only $20 for a 30 minute ride. The taxi driver had no idea where we were going. He had to stop at least 5 times and ask for directions. We pointed numerous times to the address but he kept taking us to the wrong hotels. He then wanted us to pay more but it was his fault that we were lost for half an hour so we only paid him what we were told at the airport. We finally arrived at the Siam Star Hotel at about 12:30am! We were so tired. The hotel is fine. Its old but clean. We have our own room including a bathroom, fridge and air-conditioning. You take these things for granted when you stay in hostels! haha.
Today we woke up around 10:30am but it felt like the middle of the afternoon. I have never felt so weird after a time difference, not even when we lost a whole day flying to Fiji. We walked around the streets of Bangkok today, taking in everything. It is just crazy here, so much going on all at once. The travel books warn you about Bangkok and how busy and crazy it is, but we would have never guessed it would be like this. There are just so many people, cars, mopeds, tuk-tuks (small 3 wheel taxi) and pollution. Our eyes hurt today from the smoke! It is about 30-32 degrees today. Not that uncomfortable at all really. Anything is better than Adelaide!
We walked around a few street markets today. There are street vendors selling everything imaginable too, like food. EVERYTHING IS INCREDIBLY CHEAP. I knew things were cheap here but not this cheap! 27 baht equals $1.00 CAN. For example, Ryan and I got a Dairy Queen blizzard each for 70 baht! For people with bad math skills, it is about $2.25 for both! We used to pay almost $10 for both of ours back home. Not just the food is cheap either, souvenirs, beer and clothes are all so cheap. A nice polo shirt is about $5.00.
We were in a mall today that was bigger than Square One and we hear that is not even the biggest mall there is here! Good stores too like Fendi, Gucci, etc. YESSS!!
Anyways, we have only been here for 24 hours and there is already so much to say about this city. We are going sigh-seeing tomorrow around a different part of Bangkok. We are going to see the temples and do a walking tour. Should be great!
We will update again soon.
Tags: Travel
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