BootsnAll Travel Network

Talking To Stuffed Animals???

(Continued from last post)

I lived in Snowmass Village, Colorado, and in its nearby neighbor, Aspen, Colorado, for about nine years before moving to Florida. This episode occurred in March, 2003, while I was working in a beautiful, high-end store in the Snowmass Village Mall, right on the ski slopes. I had long been conducting inner, think-talk conversations with The Holy Spirit, but this was the first time in my life (and the only time, actually) that I ever attempted to discuss anything with a taxidermied animal.

This entry is thanks to Anne Anderson, whom I met this week at her booth during Dunedin’s Art Harvest Fair. She makes beautiful, life-like wild animal busts and statues using sisal from the agave plant. They look amazingly real and alive. Somehow, we began our conversation with the subject of telepathy, probably because I was remembering the few moments of animal telepathy, about to be described here. She has never communicated with her creations, but she did admit to an active inner life. Nor do I usually open my conversations with strangers by revealing anything about this inner nature of mine, either.

Anyway, when I came home, I rooted around in my journal entries; found this account, and the next day, gave her a copy. Then I figured, why not share this with you guys, since you respond so well to the woo-woo stories. Keep that up. I’ll have a book out soon – name of Inner Answers.

Okay, to continue yesterday’s report:

“Let’s explore this topic of the stuffed animals in the store to see if there’s anything to that. Telekinesis! I think that’s the word used to describe the touching of an object to learn something about it with your mind. I’ve never really spent the time necessary to do justice to it, though I once did it with photographs, quite a lot, placing my fingers on them and then getting told something by The Holy Spirit. These are things that I could cultivate which would make my downtime much more exciting and meaningful, if only I could remember to do more of it. (Still haven’t done that yet.)

Oh, my Holy Spirit! What about me talking to inanimate objects? Would You please explain to me about the Voice that I hear answering me?

“Yes, I will tell you about this talent of yours. Everything that you directly address can hear you and does answer you back. The fact that you thought that it was Me, putting words in their mouth and answering you with what I thought they were thinking, is not the case at all. You do, actually, hear them speaking. Sometimes, they don’t have anything much to say and so, you probably thought that I didn’t want to go into the conversation very deeply.

But, let Me assure you, Honey, that you are very capable of talking directly to anything, and anything is very capable of answering you back. Now, specifically, on the subject of these animals in your store, they are definitely good and you probably did pick up on their calm vibrations all along. Now, they are so glad that you have discovered this secret, and they will love to talk to you directly. Let’s do try that today.

Oh My God! Let’s do this as much as we can. I would love to hear what these objects would say to you. I cannot tell what they are thinking, without touching them directly, engaging them in conversation, Myself, so it would have been silly for Me to step in and answer for them all this time. I admit, you have not tried to do this very often and I wondered why you did not talk very long, once you did receive a response from something you spoke to, in think-talk.”

(To be continued… I know my posts are long but my journal entries are even longer, so I must break these into several days’ worth. Tomorrow, I promise, you will hear the comments of the lynx and the antelope. Now, what you may think of all this, I have no idea. I wouldn’t believe it either if it hadn’t happened to me. But, it is a rather interesting story. Stay tuned.)

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