BootsnAll Travel Network

Sharing An Email Written To A Friend Met In A Hostel In Medellin, Colombia

Several months ago, as I was just beginning my backpacking travels throughout South America, I met a wonderful InterGalactic Friend, Luis, in the hostel, Casa Kiwi, in Medellin, Colombia. I even wrote a few blogs about that time, way back in January, 2009, about the ghost of Juan Valdez, who occupied that hostel, if you’re interested in looking back that far in this blogsite.

Anyway, Luis, who is a great guy in his twenties, is back in his home country of Mexico by now, and I’m in Florida, but we write emails back and forth about our mutual interest in spiritual matters. I sent him, recently, a box containing some of my own writings and a sketch I made once to figure out the marvelous written teachings on the website. As I answered his last email today, actually copying a journal entry that his comments inspired, I thought that it would make a crackerjack blog posting, as well. So, here it is:

“Dear Luis  sent another long and wonderful email.  He has now finished reading everything I sent him and was speaking of Questions & Answers, as well as the Wingmaker’ teaching illustrations that I’d sketched out to make their whole, confusing written material much more understandable. He gets it all. Comprehends and applies it, and can write clearly in expressing himself on the subject – in English, his second language. He also speaks of his new condition of quietness that he is exploring. When I first met him he was like a Roman Candle. Now, he says he’s becoming comfortable with silence and he never thought that possible. All of these changes he attributes to me. Now, I know what a guru, or Master, feels like.

From the Wingmaker’s material, he understands the importance of freedom and independence from the Hierarchy. I’m sure he realizes that it is freedom of mind that is meant. Some hierarchies, such as the particular government we live under, or the police forces within them, must be obeyed.  But it’s the brainwashing factor we can remain free of.

It helps me to remember the two basic Questions that The Great Creator posed initially, when He populated creation with little, bitty bits of His Own Consciousness, residing in all sizes and shapes of containers – the living beings within existence: we humans as well as everything else.  He asked Himself and then began to watch in order to find out:

1.) How would I behave under any given circumstance?
2.) Would I… could I… recognize Myself? (Himself as God by himself as man)

Everything going on “down here in the soup” is simply an answer to either of those Questions, played out in behavior. Our individual job is to behave as we know He would want to see Himself behaving under our particular circumstance of the moment. The Christians have it right in saying “What would Jesus do?”

On Question #2, we human bits need to focus on the highest impression that we can muster about God, or The Great Creator, or The Great Creative Force, or whatever we might call Him, or It.  It’s His Consciousness that we carry around, thinking that it’s ours. We need to try to peer through the veils of matter (the stuff of the soup) to catch a glimpse of His Presence, right there, all along, probably peeking down at us and wondering what we are going to do next…how “He/we” is/are going to answer Question #1, in the process of addressing Question #2.

It’s possible to find traces of Him, and hints of His Reality, within the religions…all of them,…but not exclusively and not automatically.  You can find these traces everywhere: in nature, friends, books, movies, in solitude, in crowds, in beauty, in a smile….just everywhere. He makes it easy/hard for us to answer Question #2 with a YES! So, life can be a lot of fun, just searching for these glimpses of His Face. He knows how elusive that is – because that’s how He set it up. You don’t have to latch onto any one glimpse and get a card for your wallet, proving that you have a firm grasp on it. No! He saw you recognize Him, and He’s probably put lots of checkmarks in the yes column of #2 because of you and is keenly watching you do your life; eager to see you bump into more of His living clues and reminders, results and hints, down here in this fine material existence that He has constructed. If you don’t pick up any Glimpses for awhile, no problem. You have your heart-connection to Him. Now that you have seen the sun, it doesn’t bother you to have a lot of rain, in between. Heck no! Rain is good too.

You know how things work and you know the Major Questions (1&2) and you can enjoy watching that Great Experiment play out down here in this material realm. You are not compelled to join in on everyone’s activities, but you can observe and feel sympathetic or understanding. We sort of lose the Evil vs Good attitude, because we see that evil is merely selfishness, perhaps played out to ridiculous degrees; but at-base, simply ego-driven, self-centeredness and so, we loose our old boogey-man fear of it. It is simply a choice on Question #1, gone horribly wrong.

You have figured out that there is no Devil. No rival to God. Even the bad ones, even the really, really bad ones, are equipped with His Own Consciousness, just like the rest of us. They simply got detoured into selfishness, and to get their way, they have to become very loud and scary and make spooky claims. They simply didn’t do Him proud on Question #1. They have no Satanic Equivalent of God to turn to and to get any energy from. They only have such powerful human emotions as we are capable of, down here.  Which can be pretty negatively impressive. So, on Question #2, the “evil” ones answer “No!” to that one, as they keep their heads firmly in the muck.  Okey-dokey! Not smart, but not scary either.

As you begin to appreciate solitude, you simply realize that you want it in order to have these thinking-sessions with Him. No matter, if you can’t quite “hear” Him in sentences. You can talk easily to Him with your voice alone. Chat about stuff, figure out great equations of philosophy, as you climb or hike. Get the privacy that allows you to speak out loud (to no one…talking to yourself… “Uh oh! He’s crazy. Lock him up!” …is why you need solitude.)…because thinking goes better when you can emote. And, you will register His Reply without even knowing it, because it comes without sound, into your brain. Have you ever danced alone in an empty room to great music? It’s easy to imagine a partner – sort of – and it’s fun just to feel the music and get lost in the moment. That’s what this sort of solitary chatting feels like.

You know, sometimes I have these lengthy, out-loud conversations in the most natural way. Say, in my kitchen, just waking up and getting coffee, I might continue on a theme started in my sleep; or might catch myself during the day, speaking to some personality (doesn’t have to be the Central Figure), who might as well be in the next sound room, but invisible to me. Imagine a recording studio with a mike connection. This event continues until it runs out. It’s like dancing until the music stops. Often, if there’s no music on, you never even think to dance or move to it. Sometimes, if there’s no other mind trying to engage with yours, you don’t talk, innerly. It’s a very two-way street. The freedom to respond to these moments of spirit is enhanced when you are on your own. But, it’s all natural. That’s why you don’t mind it when a quieter you attracts less-stimulating people or environments. It’s not something you need to engineer. It’s just that you are becoming more in tune with an Inner Life.

Thinking about these two basic Original Questions…you are exactly right when you say that “Questioning” is the main thing here in our life on earth, as it was expressed in those last two pages of Questions & Answers. Not questioning done in a confrontative “I don’t want to play any more” mood, but in an inquisitive, eternal mystery way. But, having figured out those two main questions (1&2), which the Great Creative Force must have asked Himself just before putting all this created matter out into myriad universes, that helps me to sort things out. Naturally, I’m not thinking of them all the time, but when a basic wonderment pops into my mind, I find it eventually leading to one or the other, or both, of them.

“Oh, okay!” say I, when puzzling over somebody’s behavior or belief. “I think I’ll watch too.”….possibly, gossiping a bit about it with You Know Who, Whom I realize is just that moment, peeking down here into the Stadium of Life to see an interesting sports play. It’s easy to feel detachment then. Do we have to jump out of the bleachers and carry the ball for the poor dolt who is running backwards, in the wrong direction? No! You can yell your head off, and maybe if enough folks in the stands do that, he’ll figure it out. But, maybe not. Oh well! You’ll probably boo along with the rest, but by now, the player feels bad enough.

Plus, on the other sort of play, you can cheer for the champions and copy their moves when you are on the field. Because you are just a witness, maybe a team fan, you can evaluate other people’s moves very clearly. But, it’s harder when you yourself are down there in the game. So, give them all a break. It’s not our job to play the game for them or to read them the rule book while they are in the thick of it. But, we can try to be champions at following that two-point Rule Book (Questions 1&2) and maybe someone will want to know how you do it. That’s the time to share.

All this relieves such pressure on us because there is no Question #3 that reads: “I wonder if I can force Myself to behave well and to turn around and recognize Myself, while I’m down there in the soup?”

He didn’t ask that, because it would nullify the first two questions. And, if The Great Creative Force can’t force anyone, then we can’t either. So we can relax on that score.

If only the Hierarchies, the missionaries, the salespeople, or politicians, would understand that point. There can be no “forcing”  because there is no Question #3. Or, if there is, that question isn’t it.”

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