BootsnAll Travel Network

Confession Of A Junkie

Ohmigosh!  This will never, never do!  Since returning home, I have become a junkie and I’m having trouble getting things done…..such as this blog.  I was much more faithful when I was out on the road and simply HAD to find an internet computer the very first thing in a new town and then get there at least once a day to blog….or check my emails and stay in touch with friends and family.  Now that I’m home, my kids and I don’t email each other any more.  They know I’m alive.  And as for writing exciting stories here on my blog sites, I was so much better about doing that when I was traveling.   Of course, there was always an exciting  new story to share with you then.

Now that I have been back for two months, I’m soooo busy that I don’t have as much time for you.  Do you know why?  Because I’m a junkie – a news junkie – all of a sudden.  You, who have wall-to-wall television would simply scoff to learn of my pitiful trickle of news sources which, even so, eat up vast stretches of my time-landscape.  I have this little computer, which dishes up headlines on all the breaking crash-and-burn scandals lately; as well as the interesting straight-faced stuff about the crashing/burning economy.

My other trickling source is last Sunday’s newspaper, bought at the grocery store mid-week.  Today is Friday and the dang thing has had me reading every single line in it, except sports, classifieds, and pesky advertising.  If I had a daily subscription, people would think I was agoraphobic, but the truth would be my inability to fold up the newspaper long enough to leave the house.  Even in this downturn time when the daily rag has become so skinny, I can still spend hours over it, getting snagged on everybody’s details.

When I first returned home, one of my blogs mentioned this seeming tendency to disappear into reading material, using the excuse of English-language-word-starvation.  Now, I’m thinking that there might be a medical condition called Readitis.  I must go on a news diet!

But why can’t Governor Sanford just stay home?  I didn’t find Buenos Aires all that exciting?  Why should he?

And Ruth Madoff might be homeless now.  Is she going to become best friends with Leona Helmsly?  Maybe room with her?  Reality shows are showing up in print nowadays and it means nothing that I stay away from them on television.  I get hooked on all the late-breaking Falls From Greatness.  So many…so far….so fast….so hard the landing.  Who can stop reading at this exciting time in history?

So, that’s my excuse.  What’s yours?

I do have another blog all ready to write.  The notes are here in front of me, and I will…tomorrow, or the next day.  I’m going to be getting off of this one-sided gossip merry-go-round any minute now.  Going to un-junk my life.  Yessirree!

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