BootsnAll Travel Network


I recently received an email from a reacquainted friend, in which she mentioned how her experience in India was “full of highs and lows”. I couldn’t agree more.

The highs being those experiences that enlighten you and/or choke you up.  The lows being the inexplicable way certain things still operate, e.g.,: the political system/government, and the ramifications this has on just about everything; the roles and expectations of men and women, across all “classes”; the belief that “betterment” equals material wealth (which I realize is a worldwide predicament that the livelihood of a many depend upon), etc. Oh, and then there’s seeing things like a crow eat the innards of a rat out from where-the-sun-don’t-shine. Not nice.

Given the blatant contrasts that continue to exist in what’s so often believed to be a “spiritually enlightened” country, I’ve even started to question just how “spiritually enlightened“ India really is.

During my time here, I was hoping I might find some real “nuggets“ to add to my own collection of non-denominational-life-operation beliefs, and maybe even find a single guru or religion that I thought had the majority of it right (in my eyes anyway). I’ve been able to, and will continue to do, the former, however, gone is my belief that I‘ll find the later, be it in India, or anywhere else in the world. I’m laughing at myself right now; how naive of me to think that any one thing or person HAS got the majority of it right, especially given that I’m such a critical and detail-orientated observer of both my own actions and others. I’m even questioning myself as I put this on “paper”.


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