Ho Chi Minh – War Remnants Museum
Was it the cheap Vietnamese vodka we drank on the street, the expensive B52’s cocktails in Apocalypse Now, or the rum and coke in the bar/whorehouse we briefly frequented? Most likely it was all three combined with one hours sleep. There was little chance i would crawl out of bed and make it on the trip to the Chu Chi Tunnels we booked the day before. Though everyone else managed to go, i decided to stay in bed.
Gallons of water, and a salty breakfast later i decided to take a look (with bloodshot eyes) around the War Remanants Museum.
The aim of the institution according to the leaflet is to “systematically study, preserve and display exhibits on war crimes and aftermaths of foreign aggressive forces caused for Vietnamese people.”
A balanced exhibition of the atrocities committed by all sides in the Indochinese Wars this was not going to be.
For the rest of this post, please go here.
Tags: Asia, Ho Chi Minh, Travel, Travel, Vietnam
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