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Lava, Ruined Uggs and Walking With a Stick… Doesn’t Get Better Than This!

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

I t really doesn’t. Yesterday what we were expecting to be a pretty docile day finished with our little legs tired from having climbed a volcano! Not quite sure what I expected the volcano climb to be like when my Spanish teacher told me about the trip, though if I had been told that it involved a 3 and half km trek uphill through thick forest and “volcanoness” me being the feeble soul that I am probably would have passed on the opportunity, which although my precious new Ugg boots would still be in one piece (I told you I didn’t know what to expect) I would have missed out on maybe the best experience we’ve had since being away!

We’ve seen some really beautiful views and sights, countless throughout Asia and even the Aussie sky at night deserves a special mention but nothing can compare to what it was like to stand at the top of a Volcano, level with the clouds at sunset and look down at the rest of the world. I wish I had the words to describe how phenomenal it all was without sounding too over the top, but if an artist ever painted what we saw they’d be criticised for lack of subtlety!

The Volcano was called Pacaya and due to literally no health and safety in Guatemala we were able to walk right up to where the lava was and toast marshmallows. This part of the excursion traditionally lasts quite a bit longer due to the novelty of the experience but unfortunately we had to make a sharp exit due to lava suddenly spewing out the sides! The walks up and down were equally tough. The climb up was relentlessly steep and the paths very narrow, which with the aid of the stick I reluctantly brought at the start I could just about manage. To get down was a whole different struggle as by that time it was pitch black and my stick came in useful in the same way I imagine a blind person’s would! We had torches to help find our way, but did you know there’s a lot on the ground to trip over in forests?!

Besides from conquering volcanoes I’ve also started my Spanish lessons and to be quite honest I may as well be Senorita Spaniard- they’re great! The daily classes are 4hour private tutorials and my tutor is a lovely lady called Sylvia who, although she doesn’t speak a word of English, I seem to have built quite a good rapport with! Excited as I am about how far I’ve come along in these past 3days, I’ve decided to do another week next week but with hardcore 6 hour long classes, I’m hoping Sylvia’s feeling said rapport…

Whilst on a bit of a roll with doing new things, we also moved in with a Guatemalan family today! Unless the communication difficulties have led me to completely misread this, they seem to be a really lovely family. The parents are quite young (for some reason I was expecting old people) and have a son and a daughter. Unfortunately I was feeling a bit flustered when we all exchanged mi llamos and have no idea what they’re all called, so for now I’m hoping mi amigo will suffice!

Explorer Franklin

My garden in Essex

Oh no my precious Uggs… Gotta love the stick though!

Michael’s power stance!