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Counting Down In Fiji…

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

Right now I’m sitting in an internet cafe in lovely Nadi the capital of Fiji, a sufficient far enough cry away from home to keep me happy about not being there. Up until 24 hours ago though, traveling was not going as my boyfriend Michael and I had planned. Gone were the dusty streets of SE Asia in which every road felt like a new adventure, whether it be down to being chased by the most feral of street dogs, being lured into shop which as Michael puts it looks like “you could quite easily buy something and have a genie come out”, or casually sharing the pavement with an Ox, being there was infinitly more exciting than being in Australia.

Australia was alright but it gave me the rude, back to reality, awakening I was expecting on returning home, not five months into my trip.To do anything that was exciting and travelery in Australia we had to work, and in the blink of an eye I’d gone from being an English teacher in Vietnam to working in a fancy clothes shop. I must admit, I did love my job there (clothes are great) but the trouble I got into there was not something my backpacker state of mind was willing to deal with- who would have thought an unlocked door would result in a flustered me being questioned by 2 very burley armed policewomen?!

So about 8 or so weeks into anticlimax after anticlimax and a few slapped wrists for me, Central America came into the conversation. As soon as the words were uttered we were working out the best way to leave Oz, and after slaving away a fancy reataurant to Noosa for 6 weeks we finally had the money (and the desperation) to leave and start seeing  crazy stuff again. We leave Fiji tonight to fly to LA for 1 night and then to Central America- I can’t wait!I’ve even attempted re-learning Spainish.

So first stop is Gautemala (a country I must admit was chosen at random) and from there who knows? We have just under 2months to spend there, so we were thinking of also exploring El Salvador, though we’re not the worlds most organised couple, in fact we may fall into the least catagorie so I happily can’t say what we’ll actually do and finally end up, as long as it’s not Australia or Essex (and a few other horrible situations) a don’t care!