BootsnAll Travel Network

Odds and ends

March 20th, 2005

Just some random bits we’ve come across.
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Day 8: Hopefully mom will miss this one

March 20th, 2005

Marcus has been keen to go paragliding for a long time. Skydiving never really appealed, but with the parachute already open, what could go wrong?
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Day 6: Milford Sound

March 18th, 2005

It was an early start to the day when the hungry kea approached Kelly. He was after her tender toes, we think. The kea is known for eating the molding off automobiles and other odd things with its sharp beak. Since he was the size of a full-grown chicken, she beat a hasty retreat. She snapped this image of the vicious beast as she ran away.
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Days 2-4: Some Pictures

March 18th, 2005

Here are some photos from the past couple days (good internet cafe, so we’re uploading while we can).
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Days 3-4: Mt. Cook and environs

March 15th, 2005

A few days ago we visited the Moeraki boulders just south of Oamaru. These were huge spherical rocks lying in the surf and looked pretty surreal. (Unfortunately, there is a ban on uploading pictures in these parts.) Note to JPLers: they looked like large versions of Opportunity’s “blueberries.”
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Day 2: All dressed up with somewhere to go

March 14th, 2005

After touring Christchurch’s Botanical Gardens we headed south to Oamaru on the East coast of the south island. We spent a few hours watching yellow-eyed and blue penguins returning from the sea.
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Day 1: G’day!

March 12th, 2005

At long last, the trip has begun. 🙂

We had an awesome flight to Christchurch last night. We’re spending the jet lag day hiking around Mt. Cavendish (gotta work on those “mountain legs”) and exploring Christchurch proper. Driving on the left hand side is going to take some getting used to, but we both love the round-abouts (“Look kids! Big Ben, Parliment.”) We could both use a lot of sleep.


Au revoir!

March 10th, 2005

We’re taking off in a few hours for Christchurch, New Zealand and are totally psyched. Thanks for all the well wishes and we’ll see you in a few (years!).

All the best!
Kelly & Marcus



March 8th, 2005

So where are we going? Well, to be honest, we don’t know. We have tickets to New Zealand, Australia, and Indonesia. But from there on, we’ll play it by ear.
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March 8th, 2005

People have asked us how we can live out of a backpack for two years. We’re told that the longer you travel, the less stuff you take. Unfortunately, we don’t listen very well.
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