The Beginning
So this is the start of my Blogging career. I know nothing about this business but I am hoping to pick things up as I stagger along.
A few words of explanation: I called this site “filling in the gaps” because I am hoping to see a lot of the world that I have never seen before. I have travelled quite a lot in my 77 years, but there remains a lot of the world that I have not experienced first-hand. ( and yes, there will remain an awful lot I have not seen after this trip) Now I have the rather exciting priveledge of joining my son Robert, his wife Rachael and their 8 children in a semi-unplanned Odyssey across Asia, into Europe and the UK and possibly taking in some of Canada as well.
The object is to keep some sort of a record of the journey, both in word and picture, for the benefit of family and maybe a few friends if they are interested. The theory is that it will save me the task of sending bunches of emails: anyone interested in what we are up to can take a look. And at the same time I will have record that I can actually read, with pictures added at strategic points in the story.
Of course Rachael is maintaining a superb record in her ‘Bootsnall” blog which you can access by clicking here:
I thought that Travel had lost much of its appeal, but I have to confess to being quite excited at this coming adventure. I just hope the task of keeping this journal going does not prove to be beyond my capabilities!
This is the Tribe