BootsnAll Travel Network

dizzy in Disneyland

In the eyes of RnR’s kids, THE highlight of this trip into the relatively unknown, was to be the visit to Disneyland in Hong Kong. For this reason they saved their pennies in NZ, agreed to forgo many treats, worked to raise money and generally had a concerted effort over many months, to be able to afford to do this thing. Well yesterday THE day arrived. (how did I forget this when I arranged to meet up with them in Hong Kong?)

If you were to ask me what are the top 100 things I would like to do before I die, Disneyland would not even get in the fine print – but  here was I joining this crazy bunch to spend a day there. Had I been a quick thinker, I could have found some earnest reason for not going, like visiting a museum or experimenting (all day) with wi-fi at Starbucks, but quick thinking is not one of my attributes, so here was I all set to have a whizzer of a day.

It started well with another impressive display of HK’s rail services. We had to catch 3 different trains and travel quite a fair distance – not an enviable task with 8 children. In Auckland, such a prospect would conjure pictures of a day of frustration, time wasted and generally something to put into the too-hard basket. Here (coping with foreign language, currency, and new systems), it went like a breeze. The first station was a 10 min walk away, we waited 2 mins for the train, having just missed  the previous one. The change in train stations was easy, as we tracked the train’s progress on the visual display on the side panels. Walk to the other side of the platform, wait maybe 3 mins and along comes our next train. Get off at the clearly indicated station and wait another 2 mins for the Disney express to arrive – taking us into the heart of Disneyland. Oh and did I mention these trains run as smooth as silk, and the acceleration is such that it makes your ears pop!


I entered this fantasyland fairly convinced that I would not be party to the fun and games: being thrown violently around until you feel like throwing up is not my idea of fun. However one thing led to another until the grandchildren proudly informed me that I had been on everything they had been on. What was not stressed was that they had been on most things about 5 times while I had endured the single shot. Also not mentioned was the fact that they were in VERY much better shape than me.

In fact the only thing that kept me going was a quick cup of coffee while they were off on their 5th trip to the Moon. Never before have I experienced the rejuvenating effects of a shot of caffeine, but by golly, it did the trick.

Needless to say, the visit lived up to the eager anticipations of the kids. Some were seriously asking Dad about the fiscal advantages of purchasing an annual pass! Even ER2, as she is known, gradually warmed to the terrors of the unknown, and was a very keen patron of the Carousel and the Spinning Teacups.


Every one survived until the very end when there was to be a firework display.We were in two minds as to whether this was worth waiting for, but in fact it turned out to be the most spectacular finale. Not quite the Beijing Olympics, but I think it would run a close second.


Yesterday we were on the go from 8.30am until 9.30pm (at McDonalds for “dinner”) and so today has been recovery day – with much journaling and hopefully restful pauses. As for me: well I can now say I have done Disneyland, and will never have to go again, and so it’s back to the quiet life.

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3 Responses to “dizzy in Disneyland”

  1. Rachael Says:

    methinks you will be happier mooching in a yurt in outer mongolia!!!!! let the good times begin!

  2. Posted from Hong Kong Hong Kong
  3. rayres Says:

    Actually, I think GrandpaBear really enjoyed himself// he just doesn’t want to let on! 🙂

  4. Posted from Hong Kong Hong Kong
  5. May Says:

    Way to go Gpa Bear! You’ve “been there, done that!” I won’t even ask about the T shirt!! *grin*

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