Well it is booked!
I am now 4,444.82 poorer! And I am wearing a big grin as I am writing this. I am really doing this. Holy shit, I am really doing this! It was so easy to say to people that I am doing this but now that I have paid for and bought my tickets it is official. WHOO-HOO!!!!!!!
So my departure date is January 6th and my first stop is New Zealand. Suzanne is talking about meeting me in NZ for a time so that will be very cool. My friend Audrey is also talking about meeting me in Indonesia! I will be so psyched if both these people actually meet up with me. (Come on guys let’s do it!)
So I am going to throw this out to my friends and family. If you see a place I am going to and you say to yourself that you have always wanted to go there, well now you have the perfect excuse. I will be there and you won’t have to go alone. Come and meet me somewhere on the road. My philosophy is more the merrier! If anyone is interested let me know.
So now it is time to move onto travel insurance, backpack, laptop and vaccinations and visas! Lions and tigers and bears OH MY! hee-hee
Till next time~
Tags: preparation, Travel
AWESOME! I felt that way about going to CA this Oct. I was talking about it but it wasn’t real until I paid for my spot and booked my plane tickets.
Wow, I’m very excited for you.
I’d love to come meet you somewhere but where will you be when???? I dunno???
Wow, I am so jealous of you and psyched for you and proud of you all at the same time.
It’s real now, you’ve got your ticket. Happy trails ahead.
I can’t wait to hear the tales.
I guess I should have ID’d me, this is Donna – Rinka, not another Donna. ~giggles~
Best of luck and save journey! When my mom when to China she loved a dish that her host made for her. She wished that she never asked what is was. (Donkey Meat)
I heard that traveling abroad is life changing, enjoy and come back save and share your stories.
OMG I am soo jealous! But in a good way 🙂
I didn’t see your itinerary,but when I saw NZ awesome. I have a passport..hmm
luv & hugz
I am travelling the world too at the end of October. My boyfriend and I are looking into flights right now. Where did you book yours? did you get a RTW ticket? Thanks for you help. Its so exciting planning a trip like this!