BootsnAll Travel Network

Dao Soie

Friday I headed out again…trying to make the most of my last few weekends here. Another 10 hour bus trip North to Chang Rai for Juliette’s 25th birthday. With a plan this time, we (me, Juliette and lisa) were making a second attempt up Mt. Puchifa. Success. Saturday afternoon we drove another two hours up the mountain with our hired guide Kip. We rented three tents from his friend in town and kept driving until we came to the national park where we set up camp. My girl scout skills came in handy…we got a fire lit in know time and feasted on chicken and pork on a stick, grilled eggplant, tomato, avocado, and chang. Unfortunately no grams so no somemores. Puchifa is more of a Thai tradition…not yet tainted by lonely planet…so we were the only farangs (foreigners) there. Later that night, a group of about 20 thais set up their camp right below us- we later learned they were all social studies teachers in training at Chang Rai University. Immediately, Arm came over and serenaded us with the only English lyrics he knew. We joined their camp shortly after (we couldn’t resist)…sat around their roaring fire, told jokes and shared stories in broken English and Thai, attempted to learn Thai folk songs, enjoyed Thai whisky…and every now and then would look up and be entranced by the sky. “Dao soie” they would say, pointing upwards, “dao soie we repeated, beautiful stars”, “beautiful stars,” they said in return. The night continued like this until 2am…until there was nothing left to burn and the night melted into silence.

4:30 am flashlights shined in our tents. It was our three tour guides we hired the day before to bring us up the mountain. Keesa, sexie, and shilong- three 9 year old boys from the village orphanage willing to hang out with us for the morning and help for as little as we were willing to give. They were adorable so how could we say no? They helped us pack up our tents and clean up camp, then lead us on a 30 minute hike up the mountain- just in time for sunrise. Although I posted pictures (see “puchifa” under blog roll) words cannot describe its beauty. Straight from a national geographic. I think my best trip so far.

The ride home was a little shaky with quite a few challenges…but like I say with everything here…what doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger. Ill save you the details to keep mom from going crazy. But just know I made it back in one piece and that’s all that matters.


3 responses to “Dao Soie”

  1. grandma says:

    What a great trip to Puchifa–so glad you decided to go back…the pictures are great. Reminds me a late night hike that I took up Devil’s Monument (remember “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”?) We found out the next morning that rattlesnakes come out to warm themselves on the rocks at night–or maybe the Park Rangers (who were very hospitible) were playing a joke! It was another memorable experience–washing our hair in a bucket while camping out. I LOVE my elephant slippers–yes, they do fit. and my little elephant for the mantle–thanks so much–much love, GMa

  2. Aunt Cristina says:

    Hey Kimmie,

    It’s been a while! I just got caught up with your stories and pictures. They really are amazing!! Makes me want to do the Peace Corps…if only I could talk Uncle Mark into it. Can’t wait for you to come back and tell us stories in person. Did you know Andrew and Pam got engaged? Yup, he popped the question! Amy’s doing well, although ready to choke her students I think; William is too and he’s enjoying playing again.

    Much love to you and hope you keep enjoying yourself.

    Aunt C.

  3. uncle pete says:

    hey kimmy,
    been awhile for me too. thought you might have added something for this past weekend, which is almost over-here. can’t remember if you’re ahead, or behind us in time.

    gma told me the other day that you were scheduled to be returning soon? if i had anything interesting to tell you about stuff here in yso, i would, but there isn’t. certainly nothing compared to your current ‘adventure’! although i haven’t sent a reply in awhile, i do check your blog and pictures most every day to read it, and comments. you have quite the following from this side of the lonely planet!

    the only thing i have to say is that i’m looking forward to spring-gloomy,cloudy, cold days and nights don’t agree with me any more. you probably would like a cool day or two, what with the climate being the way it is where you are! except for maybe cold nights in the mountains.

    i’m with cristina-looking forward to your return, as well as the stories/pictures to go with it! i’ll see you when i see you. safe journey back when your stay is over with. bet you’ll get a ‘send off’ from the staff/kids at the school when your tour ends!



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