BootsnAll Travel Network

Part Two: Body Paint and Fire Limbo (Start of the new year vacation)

First let me say Sawatdee Bi Mai 2009!! I hope everyone had an enjoyable and memorable one. I know mine was. As the crazed teenager that I was, I have attended many parties in my time (sorry mom), but I have never experienced one like this; the Fullmoon party on Koh Pagngan in the South of Thailand. My expectations were high to begin with, but it still managed to exceed them. I will keep the details pg and to a minimum…don’t worry I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t do…but im sure other people did. Basically it was a huge beach party consisting of at least 10,000 people…and anything goes. The night consisted of fireworks, body paint, fire limbo (it’s exactly what it sounds like), dancing, mushroom mountain (a little disturbing), singing in the streets, thai techno and not arriving back at our beach front bungalows until 6:30 in the morning. When we left there were still people everywhere, sleeping all over the beach, some covered in body paint, some covered in nothing…but after 3 rallies we new our time was up. I can see how it could get out of hand for some…but for mom’s sake…we had a buddy system, kept our cool (to an extent) and all 8 of us managed to stay together the entire night. Again…one new year that will go down in the books…but cannot be describe with words or pictures. If youre still young, or young at heart J it is one party you must experience in your lifetime. For me, I think once is enough.


2 responses to “Part Two: Body Paint and Fire Limbo (Start of the new year vacation)”

  1. mom says:

    Hi, Kimmie. Ok, so even though I heard about it in advance, it still sounds wild! I am curious about the “mushroom mountain” – I can only imagine what that means!
    Loved all the pics – was the paint fluorescent – so many lights and people! I think the green devil horns fit right in with the festivities…
    Well, I think you’ve experienced the party of all parties – all else will pale with comparison.
    I’m glad you had the buddy system – yeah for Girl Scout training (and mom’s wishes). You make me proud!
    Looking forward to more – until then,

  2. Ally says:

    I’m glad you used the buddy system too! When you get back you will have to fill me in on all of the Non-PG stories!!! The pictures are amazing and the party sounded like a blast! I’m adding it to my list!!!

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