Bali III (Yeh Sanih to Amed)
Sunday, April 8th, 2007Feb 3-5
Bali is one of the only islands in Indonesia that is predominantly Hindu while the rest of the country is largely Muslim and this is evidenced by the fact that you see “offerings” everywhere you go. The Balinese people are very devout and most family compounds have their own small temple where, two to three times a day, they present offerings consisting of tiny palm frond baskets containing rice, fruit, flowers, incense and even candy to their various gods in order to obtain good luck. The offerings are not limited to temples, however, and appear everywhere from windowsills to sidewalks and we had to be very careful not to step on them when walking down the street. It seemed like everywhere we went, the women were constantly preparing the offerings and would often take time out to show Alexa and Simon how to weave the palm fronds into baskets. [read on]