Aussie Curry Munchers
Sunday, March 14th, 2010Our first 2 days in Delhi India were FANTASTIC. Day 1 begings with a knock at the door at 5am!! Leigh jumps up & stumbles around the room looking for her glasses(funny as ever) saying ‘who is that? What do they want?!!’ After 5minutes of her hilarious entertainment i bolt to the door, look thru the peep hole , see a 4′ nothing Indian man, I open the door & he says that he is ‘come to check the mini bar madam as you are checking out today’ – to which I replied – in a bit of a harsh tone (ok harsh is not a harsh enough word for my tone but you know what I am like…) ‘ we are NOT checking out AND it is 5am – JUST GO AWAY!!’ After which i promptly go back to bed and fall fast asleep leaving Leigh to lay awake pondering the incident for the next 3 hrs till i wake up just in time for brekkie.
We have tramped the streets, getting lost and seeing the most amazing sights !! Travelled in cycle rickshaws and motor rickshaws ( Tuk Tuks ). Visited the Lotus Temple – which was just the most awesome building, it is a house of worship which respects all religions. It is surrrounded by pools of calming blue water, manicured grounds and magnificent flower beds boasting blooms of all colours. The whole experience was beautiful & peaceful.
Our newest Indian friend is NEATU – a 45yr old male tuk tuk driver who has taken us all over Deli, to the best silk, jewelery & handcraft shops ( were they really his cousins ?? lol) The best restaurants. The Deli Zoo, (where we saw rhinos, white tigers & elephants with massive elongated penises hanging to the ground!!!) But the most wonderful experiences of all were when i refused to give money to the begger children and he assisted me in buying food and drinks for them instead. And when he introduced us to his beautiful wife, his 14yr old son ‘Honey’ and other family members. We are honoured to be invited to their home to share a meal upon our return from our Rajasthan tour – THAT I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO !!
Our meals are consisting of : Breakfast = curry = delicious….. AND…… Lunch = curry = delicious !! .
We love India and we love the kind, friendly and welcoming Indian people…….