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what kind of traveler are you?

Thursday, February 5th, 2009
I travel like Rolf Potts !
Rolf Potts

You are a travel legend in the making, with a sense of adventure that will lead to hundreds of fascinating stories. Locals all over the world will give you special nicknames, and almost all of them will be complimentary.

What type of traveler are you?
Take BootsnAll’s Travel Quiz to find out.

a moment of silence please

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

i’m sad to report that my good friend, Claws Cartwright, passed away from a bout with feline lymphoma. claws was a kitty with lots of personality. for awhile there he toyed with kitty hippiedom, growing dreads on his sides. claws pawed around the planet in the company of miss julianne coffee (and others, myself included for a brief time a couple of times) for 14 years before succumbing to the cancer that finally had him breathing his last.

raise a glass or sprinkle some catnip for claws (a.k.a. “knuckles”) and think a good thought that he’s in that better place above earth, chasing mice and bugs and drinking from a heavenly bathroom sink tap that never shuts off.

when the rain comes, they run and hide their heads

Saturday, April 26th, 2008
first off, sorry folks for all of the profanity in the previous post. i sometimes wonder how it is that i can be so moronic and vented at you, dear readers. for this, i sincerely apologize. so anyway, samui wasn't a ... [Continue reading this entry]