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it just all became real!

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

So just booked our flights a few days ago and remembered I had started this. Better get the hang of blogging before I go or else this won’t happen!

So… Ive always enjoyed travelling and since I started college five years ago I wanted to travel the world. Never really thought of how or when but just that I wanted to do it. So when college finished myself and Brian decided that careers, mortgage etc. were WAY too ‘real world’ for us so we started saving most of our wages and began planning our trip.

And four days ago it all became real. Cork – London – Rio de Janeiro – overland to Santiago – Auckland –  Sydney – Brisbane – overland to Sydney – Bangkok – Singapore – Mumbi – overland to Dehli – London – Cork. Leaving 22nd April 2010. Back some time in April 2011. Sounds CLASS. Woo hoo! Haha.

213 days and counting

Getting ready a little early

Sunday, June 7th, 2009

just threw this blog together this minute, dunno if ill actually use it. not that into blogging but the idea interests me. travelled before around eastern europe in 2006 and a tiny bit of california in 2007 but never kept a diary, only threw a few things into a envelope (bus/train tickets, cards from places we ate, beer mats, etc.) so would have liked a diary to look back on.

heading away on a RTW with Brian but not for at least six months if all goes well but of course im getting excited and organised a little early. very me!

just cant wait to get out of here.  🙂

Berlin 09San Francisco 2007Croatia, 2006Prague 2006