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2010 is finally here

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010




2010 is finally here. Not long now. It’s the third of January now and I haven’t even thought about new years resolutions, new beginings, what to do with my life… the normal things that run through my head at the start of a new year. It’s a weird feeling! All I’m thinking about is travel insurance (still not organised!), visas, vaccinations and all the bits and bobs I’ve left to get.  And the best feeling in the world right now is looking forward to not having anything set to do for a long, long time 🙂 Just hanging with Brian, choosing what to do for the day, meeting new people, trying some new food, running for probably the wrong bus, not knowing what that dude is saying to me…..

Even the thought of work tomorrow isn’t bothering me like it usually does. Saying this I know I’ve had a few days off but I can finally see that light at the end of the tunnel. Going to step up the savings now. Start ticking off the checklists in the travel books and on the travel forums and blogs I’ve been reading.

Hurray for 2010 🙂


Sunday, December 13th, 2009

my head hurts 🙁

Seriously. Trying to decide which travel insurance to pick is a pain in the ass. I really, really don’t want to read 74 pages of the policy’s wording for all the different providers! There’s been so much crap to read through we’d planned to get our insurance straight after we booked our flights but we got fed up with the overload of information so ran away from it for a while! Crap, this sucks. Down to two but still, like, I dunno, I don’t care anymore…

Just over four months to go now and I know that’s still loads of time but I wanna stay working as long as I can, to get paid as much as I can so I don’t have to go home early… so I’m doing all the planning now. Our insurance is the second last expensive thing to get organised, booking our tour trek to Machu Picchu will be the last, so it’s all coming together really. YAY 😀 Brian, hurry up with that new passport!

oooo….think we’re down to one now. I like the look of and Brian agrees. The headache is nearly over. Fingers crossed.

Drum Roll… the route

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
Just got myself a lovely picture of my route. Isn't it beautiful? RTW route So the general plan is... fly to Rio in Brazil on the 22nd of April 2010 and over the next ... [Continue reading this entry]

T-Minus 5 Months

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009
Just sitting at home having a lazy Sunday, doing my usual research and reading about the trip and realised it's exactly 5 months to the day we go. AAAHHHHH :D So with five months to go I've a few things done. ... [Continue reading this entry]

it just all became real!

Sunday, September 20th, 2009
So just booked our flights a few days ago and remembered I had started this. Better get the hang of blogging before I go or else this won't happen! So... Ive always enjoyed travelling and since I started college five years ... [Continue reading this entry]

Getting ready a little early

Sunday, June 7th, 2009
just threw this blog together this minute, dunno if ill actually use it. not that into blogging but the idea interests me. travelled before around eastern europe in 2006 and a tiny bit of california in 2007 but never kept ... [Continue reading this entry]