The Rainbow Bus to Vientienne
Well, it wouln’t be an adventure if travel from one destination to another was simply called “travel.”
We arrived at the Luang Prabang bus station an hour early for our 8 am departure. We initially had some confusion as the bus officials were telling us we belonged, not on the nice, aircon bus, but the ‘other’ VIP bus — the one with chickens in cages and boxes of fruit strapped onto the roof. But after some stern looks and insisting on our part, we waited to load our packs onto the aircon bus.
After fifteen minutes or so, we noticed that bags and other luggage were b eing loaded from the other side of the bus. Nico went to investigate and returned to let me know that a bunch of Japanese tourist had just arrived and that we should load our pakcs into the luggage compartment to make sure they would be on the bus with us.
Only after we had loaded our packs and went to the other side of the bus to line up to board, did I realize that the large group wasn’t Japanese tourists…but a large and VERY boisterous group of Thai ladyboys.
Now, I’ve **ALWAYS** thought Nico was good looking…but you never really appreciate your boyfriend’s good looks until a busload of (albiet pretty attractive) ladyboys ogle him. In a land of mostly Asian faces, my Nico was a hot commodity.
Side Note: If any of you have met my dear friend Derek, you understand the extent of the flamboyancy.
Side Note to Nicole: BFM (bad for morale): Some of these ladyboys had really great legs. Argh.
Anyway, fast forward NINE long hours…
The nine hours consisted of intense nausea for me as our bus driver drove the bus like a Ferrari on the Autobahn. He hugged the curves so tightly, I thought we’d flip over in the middle of the mid-Laotian hills.
The trip also consisted of countless DVD/Karaoke CD’s of Lionel Ritchie (Bad), Michael Bolton (even worse) and Celine Dion (the WORST ever…no offense anyone who still is hanging on to her Titanic fame!) At one point, Nico decided to sing along..into my ear…until I threatened to throw up on him.
Just as we thought it couldn’t get worse…it did. The DVD/CD menagerie of Ritchie, Bolton and Dion was changed to…sappy Thai/Lao versions of said artist.
It was a loooong trip.
We did, however, befriend a couple on the bus. Nico took out our Malaria pills and the guy notices the Walgreen’s Pharmacy tag on them. Turns our that they are from San Francisco too…and actually live in the lower Haight area too! Ryan and Ayumi have been traveling since June. She is French/Japanese and speaks fluent English, French, Spanish and Italian. He is American but lived a couple of years in Japan. I didn’t know it on the bus, but Ryan and Ayumi would calm me down and help the first few minutes in Vientienne…(See ‘Nico? A leg breaker?)
Tags: Travel
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