BootsnAll Travel Network

Nico? A law breaker???

Just wanted to expand on the “Kept Woman” phenomenon we’ve been encountering. Since setting foot here in Laos, we’ve received less stares and “knowing” glances from locals and tourists alike. We were wondering if it was due to Laotians being used to the ‘local girl-foreign boy’ coupling. Uh, NO.

We have found out that they KNOW I’m not from here.

Why? Because if I was, Nico would be either put in jail or fined.

Laos has a LAW prohibitting a local Lao girl to have ANY relations with foreign men. Period.


One response to “Nico? A law breaker???”

  1. anne says:

    it s crazy ! be careful! I will come and get you guys out if I need to!!!

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