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Archive for March, 2010

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Friday, March 19th, 2010

Sorry for the major delay in my blogging.  I have had some set backs and am inj the middle of nowhere sometimes where internet has not yet been invented.  I have moved my blog to another location for more control.

Please use the new blog at  I will get the blog up to date as soon as is possible.  Bare in mind its not always easy to find internet.

Rice Wine

Friday, March 12th, 2010

Ive discovered Rice Wine.  nuff said!

La cucaracha no hable

Friday, March 5th, 2010
I was just sat there on the bed, updating my blog as ya do and this cockroach just come sauntering over to see what I was doing.  I mean the effing cheek of it.  So I says "Alright mate".  It ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bike Finished and ready to go

Friday, March 5th, 2010
Met up again with Anthony to sort the bike out.  I bought a map that would do to get me on the right roads south then we headed across town to his mechanic.  The horn needed fixing, the chain tightening ... [Continue reading this entry]

You dont know man you weren’t there!

Monday, March 1st, 2010

So I decided to finally do some touristic sight seeing and so payed a visit to the local Vietnam Military History Museum.  This I thought was were the remains of the Citadel featured on ... [Continue reading this entry]

“He just go round and round” – huh marvellous

Monday, March 1st, 2010
"What is he doing" "He just go round and round" A strange spectacle I came across the other evening, in the busy intersection of several roads a large crowd had appeared on their mopeds to watch a man on his bike going ... [Continue reading this entry]