Tag Archives: alberta
21. Feb, 2011

It’s Family Day, do you know where your children are?


Monday, February 21, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

No kids at school today. Family Day, an Alberta holiday originally, because we needed something to relieve us in February. I see that Ontario has got it now too.

But Peggy the mail lady still had to do her rounds, because federal workers do not have Family Day. They have to enjoy their nearest and dearest on their own time, in this particular instance.

Here are some more pictures of Calgary from my 2011 collection.

Cecil Hotel (the green building). Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

Calgary street scene

Plus 15 near Centre Street. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 1, 2011.

Red brick building seen through windshield of car.

Calgary Chamber of Commerce building. Photo by Jill Browne, January 3, 2011.

Calgary Tower

Calgary Tower, with new Bow Building on the left. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

Construction workers for Bow Building, 1 of 3 photos

Workers on Bow Building site, No. 1 of 3. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

Construction workers, Calgary, 2 of 3 photos.

Workers on Bow Building site, No. 2 of 3. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

Calgary construction site

Bow Building site, No. 3 of 3. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

20. Feb, 2011

Heritage Classic hockey game was on, I sort of ignored it

Heritage Classic hockey game was on, I sort of ignored it

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Lounging at home, trying to get some work done, managing to actually do that.

The Heritage Classic outdoor hockey game was on at McMahon Stadium today, but I didn’t pay attention, I’m afraid. Glad to hear Calgary Flames won it!

It wasn’t as cold as yesterday, so I hope the people in the stands were comfortable.

Playing hockey outside is a great idea. I’m so glad the NHL has the outdoor classic.

Some pics from 2011 so far.

In the distance, the copper dome of a church, seen from the 4th Avenue flyover. Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 3, 2011.

Entering downtown on 4th Ave SE. Bow Building on left and Harry Hays on right (brown horizontal stripes). Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 3, 2011.

Cupola of former James Short School. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

19. Feb, 2011

Legally Blonde and good friends

Legally Blonde and good friends

Saturday, January 19, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Legally Blonde!

What could be better than seeing this fun musical with my law school buddies, and though two were missing, the other five of us ladies had a lovely time.

I of course embarrassed myself by being the loudest laugher in the room but hmmm I don’t think that’s something to worry about. After all, it was supposed to be a funny show, right? The Irish dancing scene brought me to tears.

A fantastic dinner in an old, beautiful Eaton’s kit house in Ramsey, courtesy of one of the gang. Lots of talk and laughter.

We missed our friends who couldn’t make it and look forward to a get together with all present.

Here are a few more pictures from 2011 so far.

Calgary's new Science Centre under construction. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

Heading downtown, eastbound on Memorial just off Deerfoot. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, January 3, 2011.

In the distance, the Bow Building being built. Mid-ground, footbridge over the LRT. Photo by Jill Browne, January 3, 2011, Calgary.

18. Feb, 2011

Another TGIF but a little better this week

Another TGIF but a little better this week

Friday, February 18, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Not as exhausted this week, because we took things more slowly. I don’t mean ridiculously so, just a more pleasant pace.

I’ll put in some pics I’ve taken since the beginning of the year.

Christmas tree after Christmas is over. Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 2, 2011.

Driving south on Deerfoot from the airport. Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 3, 2011.

View of downtown seen from Deerfoot heading south. Photo by Jill Browne. Calgary, January 3, 2011.

17. Feb, 2011

Am I the only one in Calgary who doesn’t have cable TV?

Cactus blooming after Christmas and before Easter. Photo by Jill Browne, February 14, 2011, Calgary.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I know that I am not literally the only person without vast channel selection. I know also that many people choose to have no TV. At many points in my life I have made the same choice.

Now I’m in between worlds, televisually speaking.

At the beginning of 2010, I cancelled our cable TV but kept the machine going on the analogue signal and the rabbit ears on top of the TV, with some tinfoil for an extra boost.

I get about three channels reliable. Sometimes to watch House and Lie to Me, I lie on the bed with my foot touching the end of the tinfoil, for better reception.

I got NetFlix and I like it, but it’s pooey to see how many things are on their list but greyed out with a “not available” message. Do other people get to watch those shows? Or does the whole NetFlix customer base get the bait and switch feeling?

The price is right, I like NetFlix, but why do they show us lists of things we can’t watch?

Anyway, with analogue TV and three channels, I pay attention to the TV listings. Bones, tonight, 10 p.m. Be there or be square.

green Christmas cactus with pink flowers in a terra cotta pot on a green tray, indoors

Cactus blooming after Christmas and before Easter. Photo by Jill Browne, February 14, 2011, Calgary.

16. Feb, 2011

Cold and snow. Breakfast Wednesday: Cora’s in MacKenzie, Calgary

Cold and snow. Breakfast Wednesday: Cora’s in MacKenzie, Calgary

The shadow of a hawthorn tree, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 13, 2011.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

That picture of the shadow of the hawthorn tree is from Sunday. Today I noticed the shadow again, but since we’ve had light fluffy snow all day, the branches’ shadows look twice as thick.

Wednesday is Breakfast With Suzanne Day!

Today: Cora’s in MacKenzie Town. Or maybe that was just MacKenzie. And maybe it’s McKenzie. Anyway, if you live in Calgary, you know what Mac or McKenzie is. The restaurant isn’t obvious but it’s in the same little corner on 130th just east of Deerfoot as The Keg.

The food today: Bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit, blueberry crepes and a latte. Beans as an extra (for the protein, dear).

What we found out when it arrived is there was also toast and potatoes.

Enough food for a day, in other words.

Nice food. Atmosphere better than Ricky’s, not as relaxing as Over Easy, my current #1 pick. I think I prefer Nellie’s in the Loop to Cora’s for the #2 spot, but only by a whisker, and it’s only if we get the right table. For the food, Cora’s, for the atmosphere, Nellie’s, so take your pick.

We were at about plus 12 on the weekend. Minus 17 today with snow.

And unfortunately when I went for a grit refill, the box was empty. Oh no! May have to buy cat litter if we don’t get grit, for our sidewalk.

15. Feb, 2011

Some pictures from February in Calgary

Evening, February 2011, Calgary

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Pictures from the past week or so.

Snow on the street. Photo by Jill Browne, Calgary, February 7, 2011.

There was more snow, though today a lot of it is gone, melted, lost.

Canadian flags at the arena, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 7, 2011.

We went over to the local arena. There’s something about arenas that makes people want to hang things from the ceiling.

My toque and mitts to keep warm in winter, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 7, 2011.

I put my hat (toque) and mitts on the table and thought, maybe for posterity I should snap their picture.

On Wednesday, I went to a restaurant on Edmonton Trail called Over Easy, liked it. Here’s what I et and what the restaurant looked like.

Omelette, potatoes, toast and fruit at Over Easy, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 8, 2011.

Another day, I was down south doing some errands and saw some men working on the sign in front of a shopping centre. Not the job for me. Don’t like heights much.

You couldn't pay me enough to do this job, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 11, 2011.

That was during the week. Then on the weekend I had to do another little errand at South Centre. (Seems like the week before everything was at Market Mall, in the north.)

When I came out of South Centre, the parking lot was empty, the moon was shining, and the sky was a beautiful evening shade of blue.

Field of lights, Calgary South Centre parking lot, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 13, 2011.

Light standard, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 13, 2011.

Evening, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 13, 2011.

The shadow of a hawthorn tree, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 13, 2011.

14. Feb, 2011

Ideas for Calgary breakfast places to try?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I’m not sure how much imagination I have when it comes to finding a new breakfast spot every week but I’m going to need ideas by Wednesday morning, and the Wednesday after that, and the Wednesday after that, as long as we can manage.

Need suggestions.

Should serve breakfast, not just an early lunch.

Must have good coffee.

That’s about it.

Ideas? Please?


14. Feb, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day

Monday, February 14, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

When we were little kids in school, Valentine’s Day was such a big deal. First it was just the novelty and surprise of giving and getting these things, then it was a sense of relief when you actually got one (everyone in the class did, but there was always that element of suspense).
Then it was about boys and girls and who liked who, but only the girls were really promoters of that whole scene.
Big gap then suddenly the boyfriends are young men with jobs and the ability to pay for roses, dinner, a mortgage and somewhere in there, a wedding license.
Little babies come and so do pink fluffy toys, then those cute little Valentine’s cards that so amazed us with their novelty.

13. Feb, 2011

Our mayor’s trip to Toronto

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

One of the local news stories this past week was about our mayor going to Toronto and having a private firm pay for his trip. People tried to make hay out of the fact that the trip was paid for.

What I understand, based on no research, just listening to the radio, is that he was invited to go and give a speech. The people who invited him paid his expenses.

That seems quite acceptable to me, with one big caveat, and that is, we need to be clear on whether any elected people should accept invitations from the private sector, period, and what the rules for that should be. That is a discussion for another day.

The issue getting all the attention was, who paid for the trip to Toronto. Frankly that doesn’t concern me as much as who decides how the mayor should spend his time.

If going to Toronto and speaking at whatever venues he did is going to help the mayor advance Calgary’s interests in a meaningful way, then he was right to go. I would hope the decision to go was part of the mayor’s plan for Calgary, and that it advances a strategic objective.

Two or three days of the mayor’s time is very valuable. Was the trip worth the time?

This mayor seems to be an intelligent guy with common sense. I expect he determined it was in Calgary’s best interest that he go to Toronto and I’m optimistic that we got, or will get, some value out of that trip. Time will tell, I suppose.

One thing I’m sure of:  a working trip to Toronto in February is hardly a boondoggle.