Feb 16

Cold and snow. Breakfast Wednesday: Cora’s in MacKenzie, Calgary

by in eating

The shadow of a hawthorn tree, by Jill Browne. Calgary, February 13, 2011.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

That picture of the shadow of the hawthorn tree is from Sunday. Today I noticed the shadow again, but since we’ve had light fluffy snow all day, the branches’ shadows look twice as thick.

Wednesday is Breakfast With Suzanne Day!

Today: Cora’s in MacKenzie Town. Or maybe that was just MacKenzie. And maybe it’s McKenzie. Anyway, if you live in Calgary, you know what Mac or McKenzie is. The restaurant isn’t obvious but it’s in the same little corner on 130th just east of Deerfoot as The Keg.

The food today: Bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit, blueberry crepes and a latte. Beans as an extra (for the protein, dear).

What we found out when it arrived is there was also toast and potatoes.

Enough food for a day, in other words.

Nice food. Atmosphere better than Ricky’s, not as relaxing as Over Easy, my current #1 pick. I think I prefer Nellie’s in the Loop to Cora’s for the #2 spot, but only by a whisker, and it’s only if we get the right table. For the food, Cora’s, for the atmosphere, Nellie’s, so take your pick.

We were at about plus 12 on the weekend. Minus 17 today with snow.

And unfortunately when I went for a grit refill, the box was empty. Oh no! May have to buy cat litter if we don’t get grit, for our sidewalk.

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