Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
We’ve been on daylight savings time for a while now. Why it started in early March is a good question but OK, it did.
This means it stays light later in the evening, and that’s nice.
Going to work in the morning, for those who have to travel any distance, is still dismal and dark.
This picture from February could have been taken today, a month later.
The picture is of Centre Street, looking north. In the distance is the Centre Street Bridge, crossing the Bow River. It’s a two-level bridge. Every year, usually on the first day of the Calgary Stampede, someone who can’t read road signs will drive his RV, or attempt to drive his RV, across the lower deck and get stuck because the bridge clearance is too low for his vehicle.
Some day I hope to get to the scene and watch the RV extraction process. It’s sort of a rite of passage. (Watching, not being the driver.)