30. Mar, 2011

Dragon City Mall, Calgary

110222 Chinatown in Calgary IMG_5361

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Calgary’s Chinatown has a long, well-established history, though not without its dark moments. Stories for another day, perhaps. This Dragon City Mall, in the picture, is popular. I haven’t been in for a long time but I think I had Dim Sum at the Regency Palace there. […]

29. Mar, 2011

Picture of Centre Street, Calgary, on a winter morning. Getting stuck. (Not me).

110222 Centre Street Calgary looking north IMG_5366

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada We’ve been on daylight savings time for a while now. Why it started in early March is a good question but OK, it did. This means it stays light later in the evening, and that’s nice. Going to work in the morning, for those who have to […]

28. Mar, 2011

Picture of the Westin, Calgary with Starbucks sign

Starbucks at the Westin Calgary

Monday, March 28, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada The picture shows the Westin Hotel on 4th Avenue SW, downtown. It’s still one of the leading business hotels, with a great location for people who have meetings right downtown. I haven’t visited the Starbucks in there yet.

27. Mar, 2011

Grey Sunday, and pictures of downtown Calgary buildings

Calgary skyscrapers

Sunday, March 27, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Shiny buildings, but not so shiny on a grey February day. It’s like that again today. Here’s a Google Street View picture, also downtown, looking at different buildings, in warmer weather. View Larger Map And a link in case you can’t see that. That clear structure hanging […]

26. Mar, 2011

Where the Langevin Bridge got its name

4th Avenue Flyover

Saturday, March 26, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Winter. Snow. If you’re getting tired of hearing me say it, imagine how I feel. I have been hearing robins over the past week or two, but today I saw my first one. Poor guy, up there in the spruce tree in the snow. The picture is […]

25. Mar, 2011

Mexican pagoda in Calgary?

110103 Calgary Chamber of Commerce

Friday, March 25, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Snow. Had lunch with an old friend at a Mexican restaurant with a pagoda-shaped sign where the Chinese restaurant used to be. Fun lunch, yucky weather. I took this picture in January. The old Chamber of Commerce building is the home of the Chamber, and a beautiful […]

24. Mar, 2011

Best pizza in Calgary

Thursday, March 24, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada My vote for best pizza in town is the Ambrosia at Nick’s on Crowchild Trail across from McMahon Stadium. Artichokes and sun dried tomatoes and spinach and feta cheese. Yummy.

23. Mar, 2011

Breakfast at the White Spot in Calgary on MacLeod Trail

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada White Spot is way more popular in B.C. than in Calgary, at least with people I know in both places. I think the menu is the same. I’ve ignored the Calgary White Spots for years, but I have a good memory of one that used to be […]

22. Mar, 2011

Dr. Suess and I agree about snow

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada It snowed and snowed and snowed. To quote Dr. Seuss, “Snow, snow, snow. All that snow has to Go!”

21. Mar, 2011

Seeing spring arrive?

Monday, March 21, 2011 Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada A week ago I went to the Calgary Zoo for the day. It was bright and sunny, a perfect spring day. The lions were basking on the rocks. We ran into Kelly, a Zoo educator I’ve known for a few years and found out the lions can […]