2006 so far
well since the new year its been pretty quiet round here. ive found an amazing bead store so have spent lots of my time (and money) on stuff from there .this means when i get back home i have to work my ass of to sell all this but the stuff is different than what you get at home and soooo much cheaper. its costing me roughly 20/30 baht to make a necklace (70 baht to the pound). any one that might posibly buy stuff of me in future please do not remember this info.
we had a wicked day out at the lake the other day.
everyone from heavens beach went up to this massive lake that you can swim in. we took the truck so the were loads of us in the back going down the highway i love travelling like that you get to top up yopur tan with out baking to death. any how the lake was amazing so beautifull, even tho the water was green. i didnt know whether to go swimming cause of my foot but decided to any how as it is healing nicely. i washed it of with clean water every time i got out. the thai boys went to the bar to order the food, this is allways a bad idea, so we had a pot of still alive jumping shrimp, frog soup, and quail eggs. the eggs were fine but the rest was all a bit odd so i stuck to eggs and rice. meet a cute thai guy there who is the owner of heavens beach’s brother
the same people that went to the lake were all so going to mai sai at the burma border as one of our friends had to do a visa run. mine wasnt due but thought we would make a day trip out of it. so all headed of on the bloody long journey in the truck thingy again. the good thing was we had all been up till early hours clearing the bar so i managed to sleep most of the way up. crossed the border fine bought 3 bottles of rum at 35 baht each (oh i love this country!) and came back all good. burma is the ugliest most hectic market you can find. the are children sniffing glue and asking you for money so its all a bit odd to say the least.as we were driving back home the police pulled us over to do random checks cause you can get drugs, weapons etc easier in burma.they did a bloody long check and spent 25/30 mins searching the car. to put it very lightly we were shitting ourselves we were so bloody lucky.
so really thats all that happened. the thai boy is teaching me thai cause he cant speak english so we are teaching eachother each others launguge. i went thai boxing today. my foot is sort of better so i cant do any kicks yet but everything else is ok i just have to take it slowly.
oh an hellen my cousin came to see me. we missed each other a couple of times but eventually she spotted me sitting in a resteraunt next to heavens beach. so we went and had a couple of drinks and she meet my crazy friends. it was quite random seeing her over here but all good. and i got more marmite !!!!!!!! ( hellen if you read this tell your friends that ‘lady boy’ was played out at heavens beach the other night! mission succsesfull. i really like it)
im in the process of buying my self a motarbike. dont worry ive had one rented for a while now so it just seems silly not to buy one. only a little semi automatic thingy its what everyone has over here and they are dead cheap bout 5000 baht (72 pounds)cause a the moment im spending 100 baht a day on renting one. sorry douglas i love them it was prob a very sensible suggestion but well…you know me!
i think thats all for now bye xxxxxxxx
Tags: Travel
Hey baby girl, did you not think that mai sai is the UGLIEST place on earth, my god i hated it more than you can poss imagine, its not even a place just a road thats all!!!
Thai boys have small willies just a warning my lovely! Be fucking careful on the bike its hell of a sketchy and also get your ass somewhere else, run in the sea, play with the monkeys!!!!!
Love you loads and miss your ass Faye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I not so sure that putting an open admission on a public website is such a good idea whilst still in Thailand!
When are you coming home? Miss yooooooooooooooooooooo!
I want you home too! I’m thinking of going to check out the cheese-rolling this year and can’t think of a better companion.
But take off those fisherman pants! They’re fucking horrible inventions.
Hope you’re having a bad ass time my lover – need to catch up with you soooon!
The rest of Muyanmar is apparently beautiful, it’s a shame the border towns don’t represent the rest of the country better, it’s obviously put you off the whole place. Much of the same could be said about any border town – Thailands border to Laos and Camodia are bloody awful (as are the other sides). Probably because that’s where all the shady dodgy dealers hang about (and homeless kids).
Just be careful on those mopeds lady!