BootsnAll Travel Network

kho tao-diving

April 12th, 2006

wow got to the islands at last!! everyone am,azed i havent seen a beach till now and i arrive here and guess what it is pissing down with rain. sorted out a diving school called ‘big bubble’ and have now completed my open water and gone on to my advanced. Read the rest of this entry »


WOW bloody WOW!!!!

April 8th, 2006

ok caught the bus up the mountains me feeling like shit still so the start was bloody awfull but soon fell asleep thanks to legal things that knock you out here. any way spent the night on the bus then about 6 in the morn arived at this little village Read the rest of this entry »



March 29th, 2006

we all headed to varanassi station late at night to catch the over night train to delhi armed with all our luggage and after a hour long rickshaw drive we arived at the station. checking the time and tickets etc we realised we had plenty time so had the normal chai here. IMGP1967
look dad more pics of trains!!
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March 22nd, 2006

 i arived in calcutta in the very early hours and spent a further two hours bartering and running away from taxi drivers that were trying to rip me of. i eventually got to the hotel that my friend was allready at stupid o’clock in the morning. IMGP1957 Read the rest of this entry »


bangkok ready for india

March 18th, 2006

i left chang mai on the over night bus down to bangkok. defiently weird leaving this time cause i had to say goodbye to people rather than ill see you in a month!but still india is bloody exciting. arived at bangkok yesterday morning at 6. meet up with sarah and just spent the days getting everything ready to leave at 11 tonight. dont know how well internet works in india but ill be sure totry and let everyone know.


my ‘short’ stay

March 14th, 2006

im in chang ami again…now theresa suprise but was quite looking forward to comming back. ive moved in with my friends into their house just across the road from where i used to live. Read the rest of this entry »


gibbon experiance

March 4th, 2006

the gibbon project is a conservation project in one of the jungles to preserve the jungle and the gibbons especially that live there. they have zip wires round thejungle so as not to disturbe the jungle floor too much and 5 tree houses about 40m above ground. Read the rest of this entry »



March 2nd, 2006

the boys were being useless and just doing nothing so i left them to it hired a motar bike and decided to head of on my own to explore the famous caves that surround vang vieng.  went to the first one close by Read the rest of this entry »


tubing, zip wires and beer!!

February 16th, 2006

after a day of chilling out and getting used to how beautifull vang vieng really was we all decided to do the famous ‘tubing’ here. we set of about 10 in the morning and got taken up to a spot higher up the river by the tubing company and a load of us set of don stream. as far as you could see downstream the river was dotted with people floating in big orange tubes.


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mountain paradise

February 13th, 2006

we headed up north for about 3 hours in a dodgy little tuk tuk through very bumpy roads with a very mental driver which lead to 2 of the bags falling of the top but they were spotted and picked up before anyone lost all their possesions. we arived in this tiny little town called nkoi noi and then headed further north for a 1 hour boat trip through a beautifull river valley winding itsway through rugged mountains. the contrast between the gentle flowing river and the mountains was beautifull so dont worry LOTS of pics to follow.IMGP1417 Read the rest of this entry »
