BootsnAll Travel Network

Jen’s email

We got our first email (from somebody we know, not including junk) since we have arrived to China. It’s wonderful to hear from somebody from home.

Jen’s Email:

hey! bet you guys are having a lot of fun!! nothing happening much
here, we had like monsoon rain last night, it was pouring rain and
scary lightning. >_< hows julian holding up with the weather? haha, but i got great news for you guys. gandpa has booked the hotel by our house from the 2nd and he got a discount of 130RMB per night. he already put in a deposit for you guys so its pretty much set. well dont have too much fun before we get there! love, jen

Exerpt of our reply:

haha heey, we are sitting here in the dark evening (its so dark here
like six). i’ve taken julian to xiaochi places and we went to town
today looked at some shops. its so hot outside though, i dont know how
we’ll manage when we have to go to forbidden city and stuff… oh he
tasted dnd chicken, its like kfc, but he didnt like it. otherwise he’s
tried green bean soup, u know cold, like the ice cream, he didnt like
that either. anything else? oh yeah, zhen zhu nai chai, pearl tea, he
spitted the pearls out. (hey, those were blueberries he says). haha
but although the things he think is weird to eat he has still gained
THREE kilos haha. but maybe that’s because my family keeps telling him
to “duo chi dian, duo chi dian” (eat more, eat more ) oh we went to bbq
in the nite yesterday, he liked that. the owner was all excited and
wanted him to come back everyday and give us discount. like one yuan,
but anyway.

julian feels a bit lonely though, he says i ignore him, but i try my
best. i’m all mixed up in my head with the languages, it’s so difficult
to translate ALL the time. gah, but that will be better when you guys
come at least we are two who can translate and two who can sit
together and not understand anything hehe.

love, janie and julian

So people comment, comment… write something to us in the far away land. At least for Julian’s sake so he can read something he can understand on his own. Jay has a concert first of July in Shanghai!!!! Janie so wants to go, and we must obviously see his first movie INITIAL D that premieres tomorrow! ^O^


3 Responses to “Jen’s email”

  1. jen Says:

    i wanna post i wanna post. just to clear things up, i mean entries!!! me and em are leaving soon and we want chances to put pretty pictures of our chocolate filled luggages as well (actually dont know bout em, but mine are gna be. oh yeah).

  2. Posted from Sweden Sweden
  3. travel companion no. 1 Says:

    oh goodie, first update! man, can’t wait to come over!!! julian, have you had a culture shock yet? anyone been poking about your hair yet?
    so whats been happening with moi then… well, today was quite busy with shopping and shopping for the trip – finally got a pair of shoes, and they’re RED!! also exchanged the money, they had enough for 9979 kr, and it’s a BIG bundle of money! i feel so rich, although i do have a feeling that it wont last so long, hrmnn… what else, ate strawberries dipped in cream whilst watching melinda & melinda (woody allen), NOT downloaded though mind, we bought it (good and legal)!
    talked to jen on the phone today and janie you’ll be happy to know that she’s hopped onto and is currently cruising on the o.c. wave! hehehe 😀
    oh and it’s your (janie) grandparents and uncle that i get presents for right?
    miss ya!

  4. Posted from Sweden Sweden
  5. travel companion no. 1 Says:

    p.s. how dumb is odenlab?! 24 free pictures! like i’ll stop there! hahaha *evil laugh*

  6. Posted from Sweden Sweden
  7. Freddie Gleeson Says:

    Sounds like Julian is having quite an entertain time there, have to say the food sounds quite a bit stranger that the food we had in Zambia.

    I bet you feel a bit of a lost sheep in massive over populated medow but all you have to do is adjust then you’ll find you’re way through, no problems. If you are sick of all the culture experiences you have dont worry you’ll have tons more, unless you start staying a nice westernised hotel which dilute and destroy there own culture on sight(sad thing) and our even stranger western culture.
    Currently have woken up and realised we dont have to go back to school in august, (why do i keep on doing this? i dunno)

  8. Posted from Sweden Sweden

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