BootsnAll Travel Network

Drinks, a Buddha and eating some more

Again we’re in a hurry to make this update snice we’re on our way to the unknown in Huangzhou to join up with Jen & Em. The train leaves in a little more than an hour and we’ll get there tonight. It’ll be fun to get a change after spending some great time so far at one place. Now we’re on with our trip. EXPLORING, tjohooo! Also before we get on with the photos, want to thank for all the comments we have received so far… and especially from Janie’s mom. Love you mom! Anyway, now that we leave the safe shelter of Janie’s family, we do not know when our next chance to get a computer with internet is, and there’s even less chance that we can update photos. Although when we do, we wish people will post comments!! Here we go…

This was on Thursday when we went shopping and took a little break a Starbucks.

On Friday we had our first night out. First an arcade place, we won a green drink! Thanks to Janie standing by a game machine that had winning points in it already.

Then we went to a bar where Julian got served Bloody Mary, except the bartender didn’t know what tomato juice was and thought everything made out of tomatoes would be the same. What Julian got was a glass of ketchup with a selleri stick in it. Seriously, KETCHUP! When we asked, they admitted it was KETCHUP.

After that bad experience with China’s coctail menu we went to a cafe with swings called “rbt” (stands for rabbit). There we had some ice cream.

Yesterday we went to Lin Mountain Buddha which is an hours drive away and 100m tall. The weather was steaming and 40+ under the sun. The kids all melted away, although Mimmi was quite strong. They stayed at the foot while me and Julian climbed up to the Buddha.

Julian by THE hand, it’s luck to touch it.

Janie and her Yifu Baba saying a few prayer with incense, one for happiness in the family and the other for peace.

Is Julian really taller than Buddha?

Four times a day they have the “9 dragons bathing the birth of Buddha” show. Music was played very loud and the fountains sprayed higher and higher…

After visiting the Buddha we went and ate lunch by a small restaurant by the Tai lake. Mmm, lake food, tasteful.

In the evening Janie’s little aunt invited us for dinner…

… and we got to eat HUGE meat pieces. Julian had two! And he’s fat too! (haha) No wonder he’s not hungry today.

So yesterday was packed and filled with plentiful food, for both body and soul. Now we’ve finished the first “stage” of our trip, and will continue with even more surprises! Goodbye for now, wish us well!


2 Responses to “Drinks, a Buddha and eating some more”

  1. Mom Says:

    Lovely Mimmi, lovely you two, nice food, mmm…. but not hot weather. Missing you and everybody in Wuxi. Have a nice trip!

  2. Posted from Sweden Sweden
  3. clara Says:

    have nothing useful to say really, i just wanted to let it be known that i think it’s heaps of fun to read all your updates and look at the pictures and pretend i’m there too.. 😀 so i hope you keep updating as much as it’s possible to, even now that the big adventure part of your trip is coming up. because i will be here looking forward to reading about it, as will your/janie’s mom, of course! love, clara

  4. Posted from Sweden Sweden
  5. Bertil Says:

    Great to read about your trip and all your beatuful pictures. China is a wonderful country. Hope you will have a good time with Emelie and Jenifer.
    Tell Emelie that we are thinking of her and looking forward to hear from her.

  6. Posted from Sweden Sweden

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