Defeating mountains
Another day, another mystery to solve. This time we were off to the Xi Hui Mountains to solve the mystery of the fit older people who hit trees, eat sandwiches at the top of the trees and the 60-year-old body builders who know about Swedish welfare system. The park has free entry for retired people in the early morning so they can get out of the city air and exercise a bit. Anyway, lots of elders go there daily to climb up the mountain… after some training it only takes 10-15 minutes. For us it took around an hour. We’re so embarassed of our bad endurance. >_< Had to sit every like five minutes and sweat like pigs. Okay, it's late now and we're posting lots of pictures since we've done a lot, incl: eating very mucho crayfish, drinking chinese tea and playing mah-jong. Julian will write a few words tomorrow about his feelings, thoughts and other ponderings over his first few days in China. And "heere comes the photos":
Xi Mountain is the smaller one with the pagoda, and Hui is the bigger. We climbed Xi by mistake, then over it and up to Hui mountain!
This “sun wu kong” (golden monkey) or treeman we found on top of Hui mountain having his breakfast.
Julian met lots of interesting men (very excited to talk to him)…
… but sometimes they made him feel very small (and weak).
These elders are playing the chinese chess.
Janie and Julian had to be pose seperately for this beautiful background.
Famous sign of the famous spring in the park.
We took a little visit to Janie’s farmor and farfar for lunch and dinner. Here’s Julian exercising with Janie’s granny in the yard, the muscular chinese guys had an effect on him.
Night walk by Tai Lake.
Then we went and ate night food…. CRAYFISH!! Here’s Janie’s cousin and uncle.
Mmmmm… lots and lots and lots of crayfish.
Today we lost 19 Yuan in mah-jong, but Julian has almost learnt how to play by now.
The neighbour invited us over for tea and presented us the extensive tea culture of China.
Goodnight for now, farewell kiss to everybody. Hui tou jian! (See you later, a word Julian has learnt by now)
Tags: China '05
June 25th, 2005 at 3:17 pm
AAHHHH!!! is it thursday yet?!? are we there yet?!?!? i want to go NOW!!! man you guys have already done quite a bit! keep posting as much as ye’ve done up to now it’s a great read after a day of hard… err… work!
am currently trying to decide which suitcase to bring – one is 2kg heavier than the other but the heavier one is easier to pull along… hrmnn…
love em *eagerly looking forward to yet another entry*
June 25th, 2005 at 3:55 pm
agree with em, please keep posting this much all way through the trip; i think it’s really exciting to read about what you’re getting up to. really hope i can go and visit china and asia sometime sort-of-quite-soon, be cool if we could all go together then. these pictures make we want to see it all for myself! (also for some reason make me want to go to argentina and visit, and bring you all there to see that, haha) miss you! *muah* love, clara