Queenstown: One post from New Zealand
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007I might as well post what I’ve been doing for the past month or so, right? Right!
All you need to know about NZ is that it’s fantastic. It’s beautiful, the people are lovely, it’s easy to find some amazingly scenic stuff without even trying that hard — and if you put a little bit of effort into it, you’ll discover some truly gorgeous places. But you knew all this already.
So here’s a quick lil’ rundown o’ what I’ve been doing, in no particular order:
– Climbed a glacier. Watched some crazy Dutch girls swim in a glacial pool.
– Saw glowworms. Lots of them, all alight at night. Then looking up and seeing the Milky Way, and the Southern Cross.
– Met a dude who opened a beer bottle with his teeth, and who then taught me how to open a beer bottle with another empty beer bottle*.
– Swam in a geothermal river.
– Went sailing and saw seals mating.
– Ate a possum pie.
– Saw a rabbit getting sheared.
– Went to some places that were used as settings for Lord of the Rings, tried to picture them in the film, some more successfully than others, and was ultimately satisfied with knowing I’d seen a good number of places for free and hadn’t paid an obscene amount to take one of the lame guided tours which feature costumed guides, props and little plastic toy characters to “recreate” scenes from the movies.
– Wore a panty on my head. I would try to explain this one, but what’s the point?
– Hiked 20km in one day, and 35km in three days, on #10 of National Geographic’s Eleven Best Hikes in the World. In a word: Awesome.
– Took a kajillion photos. Which I’ll upload… later!
– Done hung out a ton, and shot a load of the breeze, with all sorts of people from the Stray bus, as we’ve criss-crossed this many-splendoured land from north-to-south and side-to-side.
So. That’s all I can think of, for now. I head off to Christchurch tomorrow, then it’s a quick flight back up north to Auckland, to meet up with my buddy Nick again. We’re going to check out a Super 14 rugby match, which should be sweet as. Then: back home next week. Aieeee! Yeah, it’s crazy. I’m pretty conflicted about it, of course — looking forward to seeing friends and fam again, bummed to be leaving behind this nomadic revelry. But you know, it’s all part of the same journey. Yeah.
* A feat I have been unable to replicate since.