A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – Lao Tzu
Well here’s my first Peace Corps post!
I have my interview for “the toughest job you’ll ever love” on the 23rd. I feel pretty good about it, but can’t help feeling doubt. I don’t see any reason for them not to take me. My financial, legal, medical and educational backgrounds meet their requirements. I have the motivation, the heart and the stomach for it. I’m about as light on my feet as I can get. But hey an interview is an interview is an interview.
I just hope that I get a spanish speaking country. Of course, anywhere they sent me would be fine. I wish I could know right now where it was so I can start my research and get excited about it!! Patience has never been my strong point 😛
To anyone reading this – thank you! I hope to use this space to write about my experiences as this process continues and of course as a means of keeping in touch with you all from wherever I get sent to!
Please add your comments below – I know that reading them from wherever I end up will be so nice!
Tags: Peace Corps
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